Book 9: Just Accept Whats Happening

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Something's a little strange.

Two girls fighting each other...and they're both...this is impossible!

Let's go, Cypress!

That's my line! Cypress is mine!

I try to calmly analyze the situation while being sandwiched by both girls. Which one is real though?

Cypress, just go with the flow. There's no reason to feel any guilt.

Are you serious, right now!?

You know I'm right! You're honest with your feelings. You know what you want and that's what makes you so charming.

Is that really so important!?

Cypress, how gullible are you!?

The hell are you talking about!? Just who is she!?

11 minutes earlier...Cypress and his crew were all on the ship and were preparing to set off into the void.

Cypress: How're we doing, Oracle?

Oracle: Cypress, you do know you can just call me by my first name too, right?

Cypress: I know. What's our status?

Oracle: I'm firing up the engines soon. Before you know, Morgana will be able to set off.

Cypress: Nice work.

Cypress walked off and saw the rest of his crew strapped in and ready for what was coming. He took his seat, which was next to Akari. She held onto his hand and smiled at him. Cypress couldn't help himself but to smile at her.

Myu: I'm...I'm really glad that we found you, Cypress-senpai.

Cypress: I appreciate that, Myu. Thank you.

John: How was it, on that Hariq planet?

Cypress: It was hot. Like I was walking through an oven. But the inhabitants were good. And so were the bellydancers.

Enju: Bellydancers...?

Cypress: Yeah, that planet is completely filled with them. Above all, the planet seems so peaceful.

Skull: Guess Vincent did a badass job, without us, eh?

Cypress: Sure looks that. I just hope he'll be alright, on his own.

Noir: I'm sure he will be. Remember, he is the son of our greatest threat.

Cypress: Yeah, no kidding.

Oracle. Alright, crew. Morgana is feeling fired up and we are ready for takeoff.

From behind the crew, they could hear the engines, as the ship slowly began to lift off of the ground. From below, Vincent and the other bellydancers waved goodbye to their friends. Oracle counted down from ten and straight down to...

Oracle: 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...............1!

With the slam of her hand, on the buzzer, the ship blasted off, into the sky. With the desert wind flowing, the ship disappeared, within it. It didn't take long, as the ship was off the planet and in space, heading straight for the void.

Oracle: Were coming up to the void, everyone, brace yourselves.

Cypress: ......

Akari held onto Cypress' hand tightly, same with Myu, as she held onto Ricka's. As the ship was coming closer and closer to the void, the gravitational force began pulling the ship closer and closer. Before they knew it, they were straight through the void and the ship began rocking back and forth, at incredible speed. Everything within the ship began falling out of was like being on a roller coaster.

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