Tagged By: Le_Caleo_Fangurl

62 4 23

Okay, so the rules are:

I have to say 13 things about myself and I have to tag 15 other people.

13 Things About Myself:

1. I like listening to music

2. Solangelo is my top OTP

3. I live in Australia

4. I was born in Australia, Westmead Children Hospital

5. I've been in a car crash before

6. I've had a lot of crushes in  the past

7. I've been in Zone before

8. I've come 1st place in Cross Country before.

9. My sister once broke my glasses by punching me in the face

10. I love turtles

11. I drink at least 2 Litres of water each day

12. My sister used to have a Mine Craft Account

13. I've go too Hong Kong once every year

15 people I tag:

1. Wolfcrumb

2. Wolfcrumbs

3. homework8

4. magicreader100

5. SaraRenaldo

6. IdkWhatToSay15

7. caitlin200

8. halfblood_dragon ( REVENGE! Sorry)

9. Rasnak

10. Shark_DS

11. ElementalDragon_

12. gc4465

13. waterrocks

14. Marina_197

15. Highrise148

Okay, so here it is!


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