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      She put her suitcase and the license plates in the trunk of the car and shut it lightly. She could try and lay low from the cops until she got to where she needed to go, then pick up the fake plates at the hotel and put them on. She walked to the side of the cheap, should've-broken-down-months-ago-but-somehow-it's-still-working chunk of metal.

Her vehicle, to be more specific.

The shiny black paint job was chipped at some of the shallow dents and scratches she accidentally acquired some time ago, but it was still very coated. In a way, she thought the marks gave the car some character. She could tell what happened to make which mark, just by looking at it, and refused to fix the car's outer look; it was her most prized possession. None of the marks were threatening either, the car could work just fine with or without them. The only thing that needed to be fixed was the side view mirror. Somebody had knocked it off while driving past and ran off before she could catch them. She just put it back on with some extra super super glue and swore she'd get it fixed some other day.

She quietly pulled the door handle and opened the door, the light inside flipping on automatically as she was slipping into the driver's seat. She chugged the last of her coffee with a sigh and threw her (backpack or cross body bag) onto the passenger seat. She smiled, off to a good start. But, against her luck, her door decided to shut by itself with a loud-


She froze, but quickly got to her senses, mentally crumpling up and tossing her main plan; to get away quietly. She locked the car and started it up, pulling out onto the road before she saw that single window light up. She had been planning this for a while now, yet she didn't realize that the mild lift of her driveway could foil it in just a few seconds. She didn't stop though, she didn't dare stop. Another day in that house and her head would've exploded. She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts, she didn't have to deal with them anymore, and if she kept thinking about it, then she might have second thoughts and turn back.

She would never forgive herself if she turned back.

So, she took a deep breath and drove off, until stopping at a red light. In the time the car was still, she got her phone from her bag.

5 Missed calls from Mom

3 Missed calls from Dad

2 Missed calls from Ratface >:P

She quickly blocked their numbers before plugging her phone up, to charge and listen to music. Pressing on shuffle, a song named 'Paradise' by 1415 started playing. The calm yet joyful beat that repeated itself behind the vocalists made her tap her thumb against the steering wheel as she drove. Looking around, the streets were pretty clear of any other cars, not many people had places to go at 2:30 am it seemed.

Y/N's plan was to run away from home, which she had partially succeeded; she got the running away part, but now she had to keep it up. She was just a few days away from turning eighteen, teetering over the edge of becoming an adult. She thought that once she turned eighteen, she could simply drive away from home, but of course her parents thought different. They didn't want her to leave, and confronted her about it. They always had something to say about her actions, whether it be she got a C on the test that her brother got an A on, that she needed a boyfriend and to get married by 25 like her brother had. All of it was about how she wasn't like her older sibling, that she wasn't good enough. When her mother overheard her conversation with her best friend about leaving on her birthday, she was confronted and told that she wouldn't last one single day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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