Chapter One

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It's was twelve thirty seven in the afternoon, the sun is bright, the sky was blue. And so I was. We were doing Khan academy, I helped a few people, then the question came to me. "Why are you stealing my friends?". I was disheartened, I was shocked, I was left blank. That very question came from my classmate Hitomi, She was the reason for my plain emotion, she caused me to think, "Why am I even trying". She stated that first I stole her best friend Edrigo, then Jezzine, it really felt like she didn't like me at all, even though she always talked to me, and always help me, that personality changed when she just saw me teach Jezzine how to do a certain challenge in Khan academy.

After the class, I waited for her, just so we can have a private chat, but unfortunately she was still in a bad mood, she was feeling uncomfortable with me, I asked why. A pause came in, nothing came out of her mouth, then suddenly the words "I don't like you" spoke out of her mouth, I was left silent, and without doubt, just left the group and went back to my old group of friends.

I had just finished lunch, we are all waiting for our next teacher and, there she was, on the other side with her group, just chatting. And I was here, sitting alone, left untouched. The class went on, we went to our classroom and just ignored her. The next class was English after sir asked us what we did yesterday, he gave us our worksheets that we did yesterday, I was surprised when sir asked me if I had checked my email, I replied "no" and felt nervous. I took my paper, and without reaction, expected a low grade, after we went on to discuss about Connotation and Denotation, he went on to give us our blank paper with a few automated ink writings on it. Our worksheets, although it didn't seem like a big deal, but that was graded, I got an average, basically the lowest letter grade that is still passing rate. It was unbelievable to see that, last year I had the best scores I could ever have, but it turns out that, all of the tests I took recently had turned-around scores! I had only "A's" & "AA's" in all of my quizzes and longtests, it may seem ok, but as a star student, everyone expects a lot from you as a star student. But not that, I need to get a gold medal for academics, basically I need only all "VS's" and less "S's", these are the two highest grades you can get for a score.

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