tell me a story, hyung

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jisung slumps on his arm, cheek smushed against his sleeve, and watches jaemin highlight another passage in bright pink.

he should be studying--that's why he came over and is now sitting at jaemin's pristine, white desk--but it's hard to focus on the sea of equations in front of him, especially when jaemin is reading under his breath so softly beside him.

"hyung. hyung," he repeats, voice low and sleepy. "hyuuung,"

jaemin's eyes finally snap up from the thick pages and pages of his textbook, expression relaxing after his eyes focus.

"what is it, jisungie?"

he asks him so warmly that at first, jisung's mind goes blank, lost in the older's eyes and with no idea what he wanted in the first place.

jaemin chuckles a little. "did you just want my attention?"

"no, i..." he tries. but he did want attention, didn't he? a small part of him feels like squirming and hiding, but at the same time, he doesn't want jaemin to look away. "it was something,"

"it was something?" he says, laughing a little. "tell me."

jisung stretches out over his desk like a lazy cat, twisting his arms just so to avoid tipping anything over. "it's dumb," he groans.

"i don't care, tell me,"

jisung groans again, and jaemin pokes him, saying "tell me, tell me, tell me," in an annoyingly cute voice with each poke until he's practically singing. isn't that a wonder girls song? what a dork. jisung's heart swells a little at the thought, though he pushes it away.

"fine, fine. i was wondering... if maybe... you'd read to me?"

he pauses a little to see the elder's reaction, but he certainly wasn't expecting him to beam so brightly back at him. he's sure there's something else to his smile, but whatever emotion it is, he can't quite read it.

"ah, so you do want attention," he teases, sticking his tongue out between his teeth. "of course i can, sungie. just this passage here?"

jisung nods automatically. perhaps too eagerly, but he can't be picky, he figures.

the passage was on art history, he thinks. jaemin reads out lines on architecture and apses and arches and too many words that he's never even heard before, pausing beween breaks in punctuation to look back at jisung expectantly. the younger feels himself sink into the plastic-y surface of the desk, drowsy but too warm and fuzzy to ever want to fall asleep.

at some point, one of jaemin's hands--the hand that isn't holding the next page between his finger and the highligher--sneaks onto the nape of jisung's neck, and the latter practically melts.

it feels like he's dreaming, sitting there with jaemin and recieving so much of his focus, and it ends far too soon when jisung's phone buzzes in his pocket, his mom texting to say she's waiting to pick him up.


neither of them mention what happened during their last study date and jaemin doesn't act as though anything happened at all.

another thursday (and thus, another study date) comes and goes, and it's almost a little awkward compared to last week. jisung's stomach sinks every time he thinks about it. maybe it was just a one time thing.

despite all of that, something makes him ask again.

"hyung, can you read me a story?"

jaemin doesn't look up from his textbook this time, instead smiling and asking, "a story? was art history not interesting enough?", as though there had never been anything off in the first place. maybe it had all been in jisung's head.

tell me a story, hyung // jaemin x jisungWhere stories live. Discover now