Episode 1

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East Precinct, 10:06 am

The city atmosphere still moved as slow as it usually did that day. Men in fancy suits and briefcases squeezed passed one another in an attempt to catch the earliest train to the next section of the city. Models in skimpy skirts barely concealing their lace undies stood at opposite ends of Main Street giving out pamphlets to the latest trend craze. From where he stood, Jungkook could make out some of the words the girls were screaming; "Better robotic sex!" they yelled and danced to passing commuters, even handing out heart shaped candies to the restless children visiting the district with their parents.

"Some type of utopian society.", Jungkook thought to himself as he stood against the glass window, overlooking the entertainment district from their precinct tower. To him the society he was in lacked the qualities of a "perfect, functional utopia where all occupants are served and happy." as written on all the billboards at each of the 8 districts.

"So, what do you think?", he heard behind him.

"What do I think about what?" Jungkook questioned, turning his attention to his captain leaning against the desk.

"About having a new partner. He actually transferred here fresh from his first post in the the North Precinct so you know he's really good." His superior gushed on.

"He really sounds like treat, Jinnie." Jungkook replied sarcastically, turning his attention back to the city below his feet. Soekjin let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"First off stop calling me that. I'm your superior now and secondly, you could really be more enthusiastic about this. The department is gifting us with more help by giving us this guy. Don't you want that?" The male tried to convey.

Jungkook stayed quiet for a bit as seconds ran threw air, dragging along his patience for the conversation the pair were having. When he decided his time had been wasted enough, he turned around and patted Jin on the back. Happily whispering a little, "Want  I want is for you to fuck off but we all can't have what we want now can we?" , Soekjin's eyes nearly popped out of his head then as he watched Jungkook waltz out of his office.

Outside Jungkook was bombarded with his fourth least favorite person in the world.

"Have you heard about the new guy? Apparently there's word going around that he's a class AB. A whole class AB! Come to think of it, he might've been from the  academy you graduated from." Jae hyped on.

Jungkook, unbothered and slightly prepared to knock someone out, continued to his work desk. His colleague shrugged him off and rushed around to their other colleagues about the rumor.

Before the male could even reach his seat, their chief burst through the office door and yelled, "Kook, Yoonji, Taehyung. We just got a tip off of a possible bomb down at the Shopping district. Gear up." Soekjin repeated.

Jae jumped up and went to tell Yoonji who was training down at the basement level. Whereas an unknown figure lurked out from the conference room situated at the opposite end of the room, catching the young male's attention.

Jungkook studied the figure as he walked towards him. His raven hair beamed against the natural light in contrast to his milky skin.  His soft pink lips were striking, Jungkook watched as they parted and noticed how they morphed into a box shape each time he would push out another word. Time seemed to stand still, even blur out as he watched the figure walk near to him. He felt an eery feeling at the pit of his stomach all of a sudden.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2018 ⏰

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