Oh My Darlin'

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(Y/N) walked into the grand room to be greeted with Louis playing the piano, the way his fingers swiftly moved around the keys entranced her; and the echoing of the walls around her made the music that much more magical. Louis paused as he heard the door close, he turned to see (Y/N)'s pretty face looking back at him.
"What are you playing?" She asked, moving a strand of hair behind her ear.
Louis smiled, "Just a song I've been working on, I want you to hear it when it's done."
(Y/N) playfully rolled her eyes as she walked over to the piano, leaning against it, and crossing her arms. "Did you hear? Marlon and the patrol found some kids in the woods. It must have been a real big car crash, brought a bunch of walkers outside the safe zone. They got saved though, and none of our people got hurt."
  Louis's eyes widened a bit. "Are they okay?" He questioned.
(Y/N) nodded, "Yes, I think the little boy just woke up, he's being seen by Ruby. We can go see them if you'd like."
"Sure." Louis replied, leading (Y/N) out into the hall way; he opened the door for her and smirked. "Ladies first." He said, with a small glimmer of humor in his eyes.
(Y/N) let out a small laugh, she shook her head and sarcastically put her hand on her hip. "A true gentleman, really."
In the nurses office, Ruby had left to get a cup of water to rinse the rag she was using to clean the blood off the small boy. Louis was joking around with him while (Y/N) was admiring him and his skills with children from a chair.
"Clem used to tell me stories when I was little; can you tell me one?"
Louis chuckled and looked at (Y/N), "Well AJ, (Y/N) just so happens to be a story telling master. Ask her little man."
(Y/N) Twisted a lock of her hair with her finger, somewhat embarrassed. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm a master or anything."
"I wanna hear a story from you (Y/N)!" Smiled AJ.
"Well I-"
Ruby tapped AJ on the shoulder, ready to clean some more of his face. But suddenly AJ jerked around and bit Ruby right on the hand, causing her to drop her cup.
Ruby screamed in agony "ARGH! You motherfu- ow!" She stormed out the room, applying pressure to the spot AJ bit.
Louis looked at AJ in shock, "What the Hell little dude?"
AJ frowned "I don't like it when people sneak up on me!" He bowed his head and looked at the ground.
Louis looked at (Y/N), she shrugged, "Hopefully Ruby won't take it too hard." She thought for a second. "Why don't we go back to the grand room and Louis can show you some music?" She suggested. Louis smiled
"Yeah. I'm a real superstar, (Y/N) is my number one fan" he smirked. (Y/N) looked at him.
"Pfft, as if!"
AJ laughed "I'd like to hear your music Louis." (Y/N) and Louis escorted AJ to the room with the piano. And as expected by (Y/N), AJ stood there, mesmerized by his music as Louis played beautifully. She sat on top of the piano smiling at him as she let a warm feeling flood inside of her. She started thinking, did Louis feel the same way (Y/N) felt about him? They had been friends for a while; before the walker outbreak, but they had never been anything more then friends. The way he made her feel, the sensation she'd get wen he walked into the same room she was in, it was all so special to her. She asked herself, 'Would I ever be ready to confess my feelings for him? When would be the right time to do so?'
(Y/N) quickly turned to the door when she heard it open, distracting her from her deep thoughts. A taller, pretty girl with a bandage around her head walked into the room, looking at them, then looking at AJ. She assumed that was the girl who was saved as well as AJ, since she was a stranger. Louis stopped playing as AJ ran to the girl and hugged her.
"Clem!" AJ shouted
Clem hugged him tight "You're okay!" She gave a sigh of relief.
(Y/N) slid off the piano while Clem and AJ had their reunion. Clem mentions Ruby telling her how AJ bit her and lightly scolded him.
Louis brought his leg over the piano chair to face them "You're not dead; that's good."
"Shut up Louis!" Said (Y/N), also scolding Louis lightly. (Y/N) turned to AJ and Clem, "We watched AJ for you."
Clem stepped forward "I hope he didn't cause any trouble."
Louis shrugged "He was a bit of a handful."
(Y/N) shook her head; "he wasn't, besides the biting thing that is."
Clem sighed and looked at AJ "AJ doesn't like people coming up behind him."
AJ nodded, "Don't ever do it."
Louis nodded, "loud and clear" he said, looking at (Y/N) with a slight chuckle.
later in the day, (Y/N) was waiting for both of the patrols to come back from hunting. They've been gone a long while and everyone was starting to worry. She sighed, throwing fire wood into the flames for their next scarce meal. She frowned at the fact the food supply was so low and everyone's hunger was so high. She became antsy from the thought that Louis might have been hurt, or worse. (Y/N) groaned and went back into the school and to her room; maybe taking a quick nap would ease her mind, she had a late night shift after all. She fluffed her pillows and rested her head, and not long after, drifted to sleep.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), wake up!"
(Y/N)'s eyes shot open as she sat up. She turned to see Louis, he had a big stupid grin on his face.
"(Y/N), you won't believe it, Clementine look us out the safe zone, and we got a shit ton of food." Louis continued telling his story of how they got so much food for the rest of the group. And from what he said, it sounded awfully dangerous.
(Y/N) frowned, although it was about time they ventured out the safe zone, the fact that Louis had put himself in danger bothered her. Louis noticed the upset look on her face.
"What's wrong?" Louis asked
(Y/N) looked away "Why'd you put yourself in danger like that?" She whispered.
Louis was a bit taken back, "What do you mean? I did it so I can get food for you and our friends."
"I just think what you guys did was stupid. You all put yourselves in danger! What if you were bit, What would I have done then?" She argued.
"Oh um...wow." Louis stuttered.
(Y/N) realized how suggestive that may have sounded and dug her face into her pillow. "Sorry." She muttered.
There was a long pause.
Louis sat on her bed and sighed. "Don't worry about it, darling."
(Y/N) could feel her face heating up, she sat up to look at him. She took a deep breath and looked away, almost shaking.
"Louis..." (Y/N) said, nervously. "I...think I might like-like you." Her eyes went a bit teary, with embarrassment and shame, having acted out because of a stupid crush. And what if he didn't like her back, then what? To (Y/N) this whole thing was such a mess
Louis chucked, and gave (Y/N) a charming smolder. "I think I like-like you too (Y/N)."
Gently, Louis laid her back on the bed. He slowly but surely got on top of (Y/N). He ran his fingers through her hair. She at first was surprised with Louis's behavior, and how unusual it was, but she wasn't complaining. She wrapped her hands around his neck, and let herself get engulfed in the magic of the kiss. Louis lightly tugged at the bottom of her shirt, asking permission to take it off. Instead of making him do all the work, she took it off herself and let it fall to the floor. Louis looked at her with a boyish smile. (Y/N), suddenly feeling quite embarrassed blushed.
"What?" (Y/N) asked, looking away from him.
Louis chuckled and moved his hair out of his face. "I should write a song about this."
(Y/N) scoffed, and kissed him to keep him quiet, just so that he didn't ruin the moment. Louis happily continued, as he started planting kisses on (Y/N)'s chest and stomach.
Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and Marlon walked through the door. He noticed what they were doing and covered his eyes. (Y/N) brought the covers up to her chest, since the only thing covering her chest was her bra. Louis shot up and got off of (Y/N), blushing.
"Uhh, sorry, I just wanted to tell you two that Omar finished cooking. I didn't know you guys were um...you know." Said Marlon, flustered.
"Right, right." Nodded Louis.
The room was silent, with a thick cloud of awkwardness.
"Thanks Marlon, we got it, you can go now, we'll be outside in a moment." (Y/N) stuttered, she was so embarrassed that she wasn't sure how she could ever look at Marlon the same.
He nodded, and he apologized once more before leaving and closing the door behind him. (Y/N) and Louis looked at each other for a second, before both bursting out in laughter. Louis picked up (Y/N)'s shirt for her
He chucked "We should probably get going."
"Pfft, yeah."

To Be Continued...

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