first day jitters

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i just kinda sat there at the corner desk, watching people come in. everyone looked a little paranoid, or scared, or nervous. first day jitters i guess.

some girl bumped my arm as she briskly walked to the back of the room. she had a sad/mean look on her face and her hair was long and brown. the girl looked like she didn't want to be bothered, so i didn't bother bothering her.

as the rest of the students settled in, the whole room got quiet. i looked up out of my thinking daze and saw a tall boy standing at the door.

he was just like any other boy: fluffy curly hair, dimples, etc.

but at the same time, he wasn't just like any other boy.

he was wearing a schoolgirl outfit. yes, an actual cute anime halloween-costume-kawaii-schoolgirl outfit.

naturally, if anyone anywhere wears anything like this, people are going to stare.

and naturally, my entire class stared.

i did a double take as the boy glanced nervously around the room, looking for a seat. i looked to my right at the empty one next to me.


don't sit here. not here.

he began to walk slowly into the classroom. slowly towards me. all eyes followed him in silence.

he stopped at the "to my right" desk.

oh no.

he put down his backpack.

oh god.

he sat down.

it's happening.

there was no avoiding it. he had claimed the helpless chair and there was no turning back. i sighed and turned back to my personal bubble. mr. schoolgirl wasn't my problem, and as long as the class stared at him and not me, i was fine.


a new fic! the idea is a bit iffy right now but we'll see how everything plays out. this is lowkey kinky hah enjoy :')

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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