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This story is mainly focused on Zayn and how he feels and see's life so how Liam's View of the situation won't be stated i might make a book with it based off Liam's Pov later when this book is complete.

Zayn sat on his porch listening to his parents argue inside. He just smoked his joint, trying to relief himself of the stress from the family. He looked at the time and saw it was almost time for school it's not that he wanted to go he just need a break from the frequent fights between his parents. He opened the door and his dad whom was high chucked a vase at him, he ducked to avoid getting hit he grabbed his backpack. He walked down the road the sound of gravel shuffling beneath his feet was the loudest sound of all. He slipped his ear buds in his ear trying to block out the voices in his head.

"I can't escape this hell so many times I've tried but I'm still cages inside"

The words always meant a lot to Zayn for they remind him of his home life his parents wasting most their money on drugs they go days without food. The house looks as if it could fall apart, the windows were boarded up so the house was dark the only light source being the single lightbulb in the living room which you had to pull to turn on the other lights were broken.

He arrived to his class just as the bell rang sitting in his normal seat in the back of class it helps drown out more people.

"Okay class let's start the class by taking out last night's homework page 18 in your workbook" he just rolled his eyes, he really didn't listen to her talk.

"Zayn why isn't your homework done" He knew he couldn't tell the truth or he'll get removed from his family's care.

"Was busy doing chores" to him it wasn't exactly a lie he had cleaned up the glasses that his parents broke during their fight, made sure they were tucked in at night ,sold some drugs to get money for some food for the house.

"That's the same excuse you use every day your parents will be called you need to start doing your work" Zayn just shrugged.

"Don't shrug at me you know what grab your things and head to the deans of discipline"  nodding Zayn grabbed his stuff and exited the class he honestly wanted to be left alone he tries his best to survive at home.

The loud squeak of the office door was heard as Zayn pulled the handle to the old slowly rusting door. The secretary just told him to head to the Deans since they were expecting him.

The hall was just to familiar to him the door to the right at the end of the hall was the Deans room.

"Okay so Zayn you haven't been doing your homework why's that" Zayn just have her a blank look he didn't feel as if he had to answer that question.

"I will ask you again, why haven't you been doing your homework"

"That should be nothing to your concern" Zayn said through gritted teeth, the bullshit he heard everyday he wasn't having it today.

"You know what your going to be tutored after school, I'm sure you won't mind Liam tutoring you" The Dean said with a smirk on her face Zayn just shrugs.

"What ever floats your damn boat, where do I have to meet Liam at" Zayn mumbled honestly just ready to explode.

"The media center tutoring starts today"

"Can't today I have a doctor appointment I can do it tomorrow" Zayn lied with a face that showed no emotion. He knew the weed he had smoked was wearing off he suddenly felt antsy and shaky.

" Well thank you for your cooperation head to your second class the bell should be ringing soon" Zayn nods rushing down the hall he went to the bathroom locking himself in a stall he pulled out a needle with watered down pain pills he needed them he felt so uneasy without it. He heard the bell meaning first period was over he went out the bathroom after putting the needle away in the bag he got it from he had a drug deal after school that he had to tend to.

He felt relaxed as he went to his next class he just sat in the back putting an earbud in his ear.

"I'm a broken man and I'm full of sin I can't take all the lies that I'm living with but I can't escape this is how it feels when you try to numb the pain with a thousand pills"

Zayn smiled at the song as he quickly scribbled on the answer to the bellwork. He watched the board copying notes and doodling in his note book. He was ditching school after this period he was to tired to deal with everything. The bell rang for class to end he just went to the front doors walking out sneaking across the college property to prevent getting caught and jumped the fence to his yard he climbed up on the balcony and snuck through the window to his room. He hopped on bed letting the exhaustion take over.

He woke up about an hour later and saw it was about an hour until he had to do the drug deal.

"I'm telling you worthless slut if lay one more hand on me so be it" Zayn heard his dad yell at his mom

"Fight me hoe fight me then" his mom retorted before the sound of glass shattering was heard and a loud yell of pain. He knew his parents are probably fighting and chucking anything breakable at each other.

He looked in the full body mirror he could see how skinny he was but his image only displeased him.

"Fat" he mumbled to himself, he fixed his hair and grabbed his bag with the drugs he arrived at the spot where he was supposed to meet the guy at and unfortunately with his luck they had to cut it short.

"Pay the money now and I'll hand over our deal" The man handed Zayn the bills, Zayn handed him his bag the sounds of sirens were getting louder. They shook hands and took off on a dead run. Zayn took a short cut through the woods and took a trail leading to his house he noticed cops outside and his parents being brought out in handcuffs. He quickly climbed the balcony and got to his room he grabbed his duffel bag and backpack and some personal belonging that meant a lot to him. Before hopping out the window and off the balcony just as the officers came in he went back in the woods out of sight from people he knew a 'friend' who lived in a cabin in the woods. He to was a dealer.

Zayn knocked on the door waiting for the little slot to open.

"Come in" Zayn opened the door.

"They got caught my mum and dad I got my drugs in the duffel bag and some other necessities, I got my school work and you know some important things to me"

"Ok Zayn just make yourself comfortable you can chill here until your old enough to live on your own your 17 so a year left how much you got saved"

"Thanks Niall and I have a grand from the deal today and that's it" Zayn said sitting down.

"Zayn I need you to go this address here with me tonight so I can lie and say I have a son I'm meeting a hot girl there so call me dad" Niall said,Zayn noticed the hope in his eyes he knew Niall was lonely not having any company in a while.

"Okay won't be a problem" Zayn shrugged, he just rolled a joint lighting it up. He took a drag before blowing the smoke from his mouth and nose. He knew his parents were going to sit a while he just knew. He's glad he taken his dads drug so he could sell them and make money.

Niall then pulled the joint from Zayn's hand stubbing out on the floor.

"No smoking your going for a shower and getting some fresh clothes on. You have to look your best for tonight, Zayn this is probably one of the most stressful moments of me life other then selling drugs" Zayn nods knowing his poor buddy was feeling hurt I grabbed a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom.

He stepped in the tub turning the hot all the way up and very little cold. The hot water felt good on his skin the pain have him a relief from the pain he's been dealing with. His skin was now red from the water after his normal showing routine he styles his hair in a quiff and sat on the couch as Niall headed for a shower

He knew it was going to be a long day.

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