Shakespeare and Shawn Mendes

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It's my job
To train this man
Who calls himself Shakespeare
And let's just say he's awful at answering the phone

"Hell is empty
And the devils are here"

"Shakespeare you can't say that! you're scaring all the customers!
You're suppose to say this is Pizza Hut, how may I help you"


I walk away to go back to work
Hoping that all my training and effort has worked
But over my shoulder
I can't help to hear

"I never saw thy face but I think upon hell-fire"

I snag the phone,
Put it up to my ear
Hoping to save the customer
Sadly I'm too late

"What are you doing?
What is wrong with you?
What was going through your mind?

"You crazy

For why thou get mad

After hours
And hours
And hours
Of training

I think I've finally fixed it
I leave him alone
Just for a second
When I hear him again

"To hell, allegiance
Vows to the blackest devil
Conscience and grace,
To the profoundest pit
I dare damnation"

I hear screaming
Louder than thunder
More painful than a thousand needles

Why did I take this job
I'm not cut out for this
Why couldn't my mind just get inspired
Why couldn't I make a profit
Is this my life now
Working with this
This creature

Why oh why
I should have just sucked it up and sang one more round of Stitches.

Another day
I came into work
Hoping for
A normal day
But of course that
Wouldn't happen

Thy not understandth
these ghastly imbeciles! Thy lack the decency

You can't just
Pull out your sword
When they deny
You a tip

"Oh u egg"

"For this is the end,
The end for you
To hell you go
Devil's child"

Hey people, I am super proud of how this came out. The assignment was to create a conversation between a famous person and an historical person. I got Shakespeare and Shawn Mendes. They work at Pizza Hut and if you couldn't tell Shawn Mendes dies. I do not hate Shawn Mendes.

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