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"Maria are you ready?"
"Never than before Solomon."
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"It's better for the world to know about us." As she stood up she hold a strong grip of Solomon's hand and walk to the endless hallway.

7 Years Ago...

A new beginning means new friends, new enemies, and also new crushes. Maria liked this part of life and she couldn't wait to meet up her friends.

Before she knew what the choices she made was to led her into dismay. She was just too young too innocent to know what the world looked like. It all started with just a simple mistake her parents did and that was moving again because of the trauma that caused on her family. The vague memories of crying when her dad was handcuffed by two male dressed in black and just watching them disappear. The day was like a spring day the flower trees blooming of peach pink and the smell felt lifting on her. Reaching the new apartment, her dad parking the truck filled from what she can remember was dishes and picture frames and the siblings getting out, running towards the door and like little fishes exploring the apartment. The bathroom was on the right the second you open the door and a mini hallway showing the little kitchen and a decent living room. The stairs led to the master bedroom and up ahead was another bathroom and next to it was a walking closet and so forth the other bedroom.
" This room has a balcony!" Clap the oldest child.
"Cool! We can use this to escape here." Excitedly expressed the middle child.
"But its right near the woods." Sighed the little child. "And?" Said the middle child. "Its creepy. What if theres a person right there?" Said the little child.
"You're just exaggerating M&M. It only happens in the movies." Talked the oldest. Seeing that was it, they went downstairs to help their mother start organizing the dishes first. Whereas the father drink budlight as lifting the boxes one by one he sits and plays his music. The kids arguing what they want to decor the room. Night came by and so did the realization that the apartment had some few mark's from the previous owner living here. On the staircase wall was a deep punch and on the walls of the closet was humid mold building up, the window edges filled with green stuff. The mother says, "Oh my, I guess theres more cleaning to do. But let's help you girls prepare a bed for tonight since it's getting a bit cold in here and your brother is asleep making it easier to work by." Unfolding the blankets from the bags and layer by layer putting each one down by the carpet floor, it felt fluffy and relaxing.
"I want to watch a movie Dad." Said the youngest.
"I'll see what I can do. Let me go get the tv and you find what movie you want to watch." Smiled the dad. Looking through the DVDs she cant help but decide a barbie movie, hey what can she say she likes barbie alot. She laughs  and as she tries to get more chips the balcony was fog up by a breath and sees a figure waving at her. She gulps and ignores the figure but its tapping the glass again and again. She yells.
Gasping for air she look around her room and see her mom yelling at the door. So it was a dream? Shit that scared the hell out of me. I think this apartment needs rice. "Hello time to get up and clean your messy room!" Yelled Mom.
"But my room is clean and its early for me I want to sleep more" groaned Maria pulling the blanket over her.
"Not in this house! Get your ass up and help me clean the house. This room is not even clean you need to open the window let fresh air in and you have dirty clothes to wash! Hurry up I'm about to make food." Slamming the door and ignoring her words she pulls up her phone and watches YouTube videos. This is better. I want to relax the whole day after having the nightmare. What is it even one? Don't know why I dreamed of being back in the apartment. Maybe like people say homesick? Nah must be from watching the conjuring. Yea must be that. Thinking about it seemed like a exercise for her so she got up and went to the livingroom sitting down the sofa she again takes out her phone and continues watching.
"Can I play your phone?" Says the brother.
"No." Replied Maria
"Please Maria? Pretty please?"
"I said no, Jr."
"Why? Bri and Esme said no to me already." Whined Jr and rolling his lips and giving those puppy eyes.
"Too bad too sad I said no so walk away. Bye." Shooing away Jr she gazes back in her phone laughing.
"Food is ready!"shouted Mom. The family coming together in the table and feasting on that delicious rice and chile de relleno. Of course she hesitated to mention the anxiety she has for the new school year starting as she isnt very social with people. Hey said Maria and the parents look at her. She continues what time the bus comes and where to get the schedule they assure her that someone will help her. Esme gets her backpack and hands Maria her backpack also together they leave for school.
(I'm skipping how the school looks like but it's like a outdoor campus.)
The sisters part their way and Maria heads to the gym for guidance for new students. There she sits in the front row  of the benches and puts her backpack between her legs. She sees a familiar face and remembers the person sitting next to her.
"Excuse me but did you go to Lake Elementary school?"
The person moves her head and says,"oh yes?"
"Not sure if you remember but my sister was friends with your sisters." Talked Maria.
"Oh! Yes your maria? Can't believe we meet again!"
Maria smiles and happy that she meets an old friend from the previous school. This girl had eyes filled with beautiful eyelashes and her hair brown curly and fluffed up.
"Let me introduce myself again Maria, my name is DyNe' and I hope we have the same classes." Waves DyNe and Maria nods. The teachers talking about how Illahee is a proud athletic school with so many fun spirit weeks. The assembly ending the kids all go their first class and Maria with her old friend walk together  into the classroom. There she sat nervously for class to start.
Someone sit in front of her and put their notebook on the table and Maria looks up. She sees a boy and greets him back and they just stay silent. Maybe five minutes pass and he leaves to the bathroom. DyNe taps Maria's shoulder and tells her, "I heard he's smart."
"Really? How smart?"
"All I know he is since we both went to Sherwood after I moved from seatac."
The boy comes back and sits down and looks at Maria and she looks away. Shoot. Dont tell me he saw me looking at him. Now it's more awkward. The teacher starts the class and made the students introduce themselves to each other and they move on to their next class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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