brothers best friend (your p.o.v)

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luke- i woke up at 8:30a.m and hopped in the shower. when i where done in the the shower i put on my  favorite outfit and did my makeup. When i was done i walked by my brothers room. When i passed it i noticed there was cute boy in his room so I walked back to his room. "who this?" I asked shyly to my brother. "its my friend Luke...why do you care? you never care about my friends."he said trying to act smart. "well I know all of your friends but I don't know this one, and don't try to act cool in front of your friend." I told him and that made Luke laugh. "who are you?" Luke asked me. "im his sister (y/n)." I told him. " Ooh that's a pretty name." he said with a wink. "haha thanks...well I'm gonna go get something to eat call my name if you need me." I said walking away. they both nodded and continued their game. I got to the kitchen and grabbed a pop and a granola bar. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned around and saw Luke grabbing a pop to. "so (y/n) how old are you?" Luke asked me. "I'm 17, (y/b/n) is older than me." I said. "Yea...are you single?"he asked walking towards me. "uhh...yeah, why?" I asked. " here's my number we should go out sometime." he said handing you his number. "ooh...okay." you say happily. "your really beautiful (y/n)" he said. "thanks I get that alot but your hot! oh my gosh did I just say that?!" I said blushing. "haha yea you did but thanks and I get that alot to." he said laughing. then we both started laughing. Luke started heading back upstairs. When I thought he was gone I started jumping up and down squealing. Then Luke came back around the corner and laughed at me. I just stopped laughed and blushed.

Ashton- *oh my glob ash coming over" I thought to myself. I was very happy because i had a huge crush on Ashton. I ran to my brothers room. "hey Zack when is Ashton coming over?!" I asked. he should be here now actually." he said. "Ooh yass!" I shouted. "Ok sis I know you're like in love with him so I'm gonna let you hang out with us." he told me. "Ooh my glob are you for real!" I shouted. "yea I'm yea real." he said laughing. "yass, I love you Zack!" I said running to hug him. "haha love you too and he's here"  he said hugging he back. " I'll let him in!" I said running down stairs.  then there was a knock at the door. I opened it. "hey (y/n)." Ashton said giving he a hug which was weird cuz he never have me a hug but he smelt amazing. " hey ash... Zack in his room...come with me." I said grabbing his hand and walking to his room. " (y/n) you look good today." he said checking you out. " thanks you too." I said blushing. we both laughed while walking into Zacks room. " uh... are you guys hiding something from mine?" Zack asked "no why do you ask?" Ashton asked. "because your holding hands!" he said while laughing. we looked at each other's hand then let go. "no where not." I said blushing. " haha ok." Zack said sarcastically. " I'm gonna go get us somthing to drink." I said. "Ok I'll go with you." Ashton said competing me out of Zack room. we both walked downstairs. When we got down there I got to the fridge and was turned around. then I felt warm soft lips on mine. *Ooh my glob Ashton Irwin just kissed me!!* I said in my mind. " Ooh im uh sorry I've been waiting to do that to you since I first met you...hopefully you didn't mind cuz I think I'm in love with you." ash said. "ooh...oh my gosh... that kids was amazing and I think I'm in love with you too♥." I said to him. "then how about you and me go to the movies Friday?" he asked. "Ok, sounds like a date." I said. When we grabbed the drinks we headed back to Zacks room. Ashton stayed for a couple hours and had to leave. " bye Zack, bye (y/n)." he said giving me Hug. "bye" we both said. When he left I told Zack everything that happened. Ooh my, I swear it was the best day ever.

mikey- "hey (y/n) guess who's coming over today!" my brother Cameron shouted from his room. " MIKEY!?!?" I shouted from my room. "Yea" he shouted.  "yass...I missed him so much!" I shouted. "haha I you still like him?" he shouted back. " heck yea! he so perfect!" I said walking to Cameron's room. "haha well he's coming over to come and play football do you wanna watch him play?" he asked me. " yass yass yass!"  I said. " ok well he's here.

, now go answer the door." he said. I ran down the hallway and opened the front door. " hi mikey" I said. " Ooh hey beautiful." mikey said using my nickname from him. " my brother will be right down hes changing now. you can come in." I told him. "Ok." he said. " how many times are you gonna change your hair color, almost everytime I see you your hair is different." I said. " haha I'm mikey I always change my hair color." he said laughing. " hey beautiful what are you doing tomorrow at 5:45?" he asked me. "nothing why?" I asked. " I was wondering if you would wanna get dinner tomorrow with me?" he asked. " Yea and like a date?"  I asked as my brother walked out of the hallway. " a date." he said. we both smiled. " who's going on a date?" Cameron asked us. "me and your sister are." mikey said to my brother. " ooh... have fun on that date your to crushing birds." Cameron said. we all laughed. " hahaha cam, just go play football with mikey now." I said. After this we all walked  outside and the guys began playing. that was the highlight of my day, watching my two favorite boss playing football.

Calum- I was just hanging out in my room singing and dancing to the radio, just then my older brother Jake walked into my room. " hey (y/n)... what did I just walk into haha" Jake said laughing at me. I want embarrassed because me and Jake have a very strong brother and sister relationship. " haha I'm dancing...well and singing." I said after taking a drink of water. "I know you are and calums here and he wants to see you...i think he likes you" he said. I turned off the radio and brushed my hair.  then I ran out of my room. " hey cal!"  I said walking into my brothers room. calum walked up to me and have me a long tight hug. "Cal what's with the hug?" I asked him. " Ooh...I just missed you." he said " I saw you last weekend haha." I told him. " ik...can I talk to you?" he asked. " everything alright?" I asked. " uh yea." he said pulling me over towards my brothers bed. "uh Jake can you give us some privacy?" calum asked "yea." he said walking away. " Ok cal what's wrong?" I asked. "Ok well...I... I kinda like this girl but I don't know if she likes me back."  he said. " Ok well have you asked her?" I said. I felt sad on the inside because I didn't know if he was talking about me or not. "no...should I tell her I like her...well actually I'm in love with her." he said. " Yea just tell her when you see her." I said. " Ok...(y/n) I'm in love with you." he said blushing. " really!"  I said happily. "Yea..." he said. " I'm in love with you too♥" I told him. just then he leaned in and started kissing me. just then Jake walked in. " was that enough ti..., wow sorry..." Jake said. then me and calum stopped kissing and started blushing. we finished the night  playing video games swimming and watching movies.

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