Kidnapped by a Cult - Aaron Doh

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(Based off the video where Elton made Corey think they we're kidnapped by a cult )


  "Hey guys so Sam and Colby came here for an exploration video a while back to do an over night. So that's where we're at Murphy's ranch the old abandoned Nazi military base." Elton spoke into the camera he then took a long pause even though he wouldn't ever admit it to the others I could tell he  was slightly scared. I walked up to him and gave him a reassuring arm squeeze, "Hey it's going to be okay I promise"  I whispered so only he could hear he nodded in response then continued.

  "It's known for vandalism and cult activities oh and Aaron so you don't kill us we promise we won't let anything happen to Y/n." I giggled slightly at Elton's little comment I couldn't wait to get home out of this cold and eery base, back to my warm & cuddlily Aaron and buddy.

  "So we are going to stay the night here let's get going." Elton then shut off the camera and we started our journey to the ranch Corey walked in front of me , Elton walked behind me/all of us then I was in between Sam & Colby. "I'm going to pass out." Corey stated after about 15 minutes of walking. "I forgot how long of a hike this is" Elton said out of breathe, "I swear I'm the only fit one out of these boys" I thought to myself then let out of a small laugh.

" I remember when me and Colby came here for the first time for our video and we were trying to explain how to get here but we were so out of breathe we had to explain it when we got there" Sam said mocking him and Colby , I went to go say something in reply but me being the clumsy person I am tripped over myself sending myself tumbling down the hill.  I laid there stunned for a minute  then started laughing I received a huge scrape/cut on my hip , wrist , and tore my jeans which caused me to scrape up my knee. The boys then booked it down the hill at fast as they could meanwhile I was still laughing at my own stupidity. "Y/N! Y/N!! YOU OKA- wait are you laughing or crying?" The boys asked genuinely concerned for my well being, I tried to reply to their question in between laughs. "I'm...Laughing...Yes...I'm...Okay I.. think" I finally stopped laughing and wiped away a tear I shedded from laughing so hard meanwhile Elton was facepalming while the other boys helped me up.

"Colby can you carry Y/n the rest of the way to the ranch cause clearly she can't walk correctly" Elton Chuckled while taking this to his full advantage and filming it to lighten the mood of the video.  Colby bent down so I could hop up on to his back , I love these boys so much they're all like brothers to me and uncle. I squeezed Colby slightly in attempt of giving him a slight hug from behind we then started walking again. As we were walking we came across a building covered in graffiti it was honestly stunning how people did this but it was still creepy.

"Hey guys check this building out" I said pointing to the building in amazement little did I know Elton was already filming it. "Y/n I'm already filming that building but you know I could edit it and make it seem as if you found." He said grinning "Thanks uncle Elt-" before I could even finish thanking him he replies with "Buuut I I'm not going to the viewers have to know how slow you are." Teasing me slightly my phone then dinged I pulled it out of my pocket to see that it was Aaron , I got all flustered and giddy seeing the text. We have been together for a year now and I still get butterflies every time he texts me it makes my heart melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July (ten points to your Harry Potter house if you know where that's from 😤)

A-A-ron❣️: Hey love ❤️ just checking in on you because I miss you and want to make sure you weren't kidnapped by a cult or anything , sorry I couldn't come I'm still editing "GF does my makeup challenge" video xo

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