
12 1 0

|Started on 01/30/19|
|Finished on ?/?/?|

Around midnight, I left my room and went outside. I wore a black cloak and went bare foot.

I ran to the woods, dark and scary, yet beautiful. I didn't care much what was watching me, but I came upon a creek.

With the water flowing, you could hear the water travel. Suddenly, I stepped in, with the water splashing.

And quickly walked to the other side, getting out, and continued to run.


I reached the spot where I wanted to be. An old temple stood in front of me, crippled and cracked, it still stood there. Bushes and trees, vines grew on the walls.

I stepped on the small stairs, and walked past the pillars that help the temple up. Going inside, I saw someone stand near the small fire in the center of the room.


He looked up from the fire, and saw me approach him. And I slid the hood off to see it was me.

"Are you ready?"

The place was slightly quiet, except for fire that was making crackling noise.

"Let's do this."

As he took out a knife, and I pulled my long white hair out. He walked behind me, and grabbed my hair. And brings the knife to my hair, cutting it off.

With the hair chunk in his hand, he approaches the fire and talked in a different tongue.

And drops my hair in to the fire.

A bright light appeared from fire, and slashed at me, sending into the floor...

My breathe fading, my body going cold. Everything faded into darkness, this was nothin new.

I knew would be alone in the darkness again.


hey, it's me. Well, I feel bad for not updating yui's identity...It just ugh, i haven't had much to in courage me. I mean i also ran out of ideas.. But that's why i created this story, it's a crossover of VK and Diabolik Lovers...
I really had this idea in mind, and i hope you enjoy it.

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