Because I love you

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   Joyce was alone at home, Will was at the Wheeler's playing D&D or whatever they did nowadays and Jonathan was hanging out with Nancy Wheeler and that Harrington kid, Steve. Jonathan and Nancy were an item now or whatever they call it. Joyce was just laying in the living room reading the novel that Karen lent her. The novel was about a sheriff of a small town that fell in love with the town's crazy woman and somehow she felt like she heard that story before but little did she know, she was living in a reality that was quite similar.

   Whilst Joyce was reading the novel she borrowed from Karen, Hopper was on his way to drop Jane off at the Wheelers and then he would go over to Joyce's to have dinner with her. Hopper started thinking about Joyce, about the things he liked about her. He liked how brave and fierce she was, he liked the way she fought for what she believed in, he liked how determinate she was, he liked the way she would bite her lower lip when she was trying to come up with a solution, he liked the way she would bite her nails dawn when she was nervous. Coming to think of it, there wasn't a single thing he didn't like about her. Even the things he didn't like, he loved. Then it came over him, he was in love with Joyce Byers.

   While he was buried in his thoughts Jane tried to tell him that they had gotten to the Wheelers already and her voice woke him up from his reverie ''Dad,are you alright?''

   He came back to his senses and said ''Oh, sorry I spaced out a little. Yeah I'm okay,honey.Nothing for you to worry about.I was just thinking-''

   And she interrupted ''About Joyce,right?''

   Startled by her question he asked ''Why would you think that?''

   She answered ''Dad,we all know you guys are in love with each other.We can see it in the way you look at each other.I think you should tell her and just be together because I don't understand why two people who love each other can't be together.Don't even say it is complicated because it is simple,you love her,she loves you,what else do you need?I gotta go now.Bye Dad!''

   She opened the car's door and climbed of the car and went over to the Wheelers door and knocked as he sat in his Blazer perplexed by what she had just said. Thinking about it ,it's not that complicated, it can't be. That's it ,he needed to tell her before it got too late again ,before another Lonnie or another Bob stole her from his arms .He started rehearsing what he was going to say to her on his way to her house. When he realized he was already at her doorstep , knocking on her door with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He nervously knocked on her door but all of his worries melted away when he took in the sight of her with a loose bun in her auburn hair , a shirt that appeared to be two sizes too big for her and pajama pants. How could someone with a outfit so casual look so beautiful?

   Waking him up from his trance she said ''Oh sorry Hop. I forgot you were coming over for dinner. Come inside while I put on more umm- appropriate clothes'' and laughed nervously. She didn't seem to notice the bouquet of roses that he was holding. After a couple minutes she came back with her regular clothes, looking as beautiful as ever, and finally noticed the bouquet on his hands and said in a worried tone ''Hop, what's wrong ?''

   He answered ''Joyce, nothing is wrong .Just hear me out okay?'' and she nodded. He took a deep breath and said ''Look Joyce, there's something I really need to get of my chest and I would really appreciate if you didn't interrupt me because if you do I don't know if I will have the courage to continue what I am about to say, okay?'' she nodded and he proceeded ''Well, Joyce, for a while now I have been feeling different when I'm around you and I have been trying to figure out what is what I'm feeling and after thinking about it for a long time I know that what I feel for you is different from anything I have ever felt for anyone. You make feel happy and like I have never done anything wrong in my life. You make me feel safe and not vulnerable. If what I feel for you makes me vulnerable then I want to be vulnerable forever because I don't know how to explain what you mean to me and how I feel exactly.'' He took a deep breath,looked deep into her brown doe eyes and finished, ''But I know one thing, I'm in love with you, Joyce Byers. And I know it might not be reciprocate but I just know that I love you and I think you love me too.''

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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