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Wherever Yoongi went, Jimin followed.



At age one, Jimin said his first word.


"Good boys get morning kisses, right mama?"

At age two, Jimin started every day with a big smile on his face.


"Can you show me how to do that too?"
"You're too young Jimin, maybe next time."

At age three, Jimin realized his dad was superman because he could do everything while Jimin couldn't do anything. He couldn't wait to grow up and become just like his father.


"All for me?"
"That's right, my Jimin is a big boy now."
"Yay! Thank you mama, I love you! And don't worry, I will share my ice cream with you."
"How did I get so lucky with you? My good boy."

At age four, Jimin couldn't wait to be an even bigger boy so that he could finally finally be the one to buy his mother things and to make her smile.


"Hi, I'm Jimin! Do you want to play on the swings together?"
"Hi, my name is Park Jimin! Do you want to play on the see-saw with me?"
"Hi, I'm Jimin, I'm five! Do you want to play on the slides together?"

At age five, Jimin played alone on the playground because no one wanted to be friends with the weird boy without a mother.


"I'll help you put everything back. Thank you for the cake."

At age six, Jimin sat patiently at his perfectly decorated dining table, waiting for his friends to show up.
No one came. He held back his tears, not wanting to make things worse, especially since he knew how much effort his father had put in to make Jimin's birthday perfect.


"You look exactly like her, get out of my face."

At age seven, Jimin learnt to stay out of his fathers' way. Especially when the latter reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.


"Blue or pink?"

At age eight, Jimin spent the whole weekend choosing the perfect outfit for his first day of school. He was nervous, but excited. He had to make a good first impression. He couldn't wait to make friends.


"Look at those round cheeks."

At age nine, Jimin sat alone for lunch, again.


"You belong in there, out of sight."

At age ten, Jimin was shoved in the locker, again.


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