The Hole

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"WAKE UP INMATES!" The prison guard (Female) yelled aloud as she ran her baton across the bars.

Monté groaned while sitting up off of her mattress.

"Sometimes I wish that bitch had no mouth." Monté's cell mate, Klarissa, spoke.

Monté shook her head as she buttoned up her jumpsuit. "Gotta learn to get used to it Rissa." She spoke.

They both got off their bunks and put their hands on the bars, signaling they were ready to be let out of their cell for breakfast.

Another female guard came up to their cell and unlocked it.

"You ladies sleep good?" She asked the inmates.

"You try sleeping on those flat ass mattresses and ask us that question again." Monté spoke as she walked towards the cafeteria.

Monté was cool with mostly everyone in the prison. Everyone loved her because for one, she was the prettiest woman there and two, she didn't let nobody walk over her and she never let anyone call her their bitch.

The reason Monté was in prison was because of a drive-by. Her on and off again boyfriend, Drahid, was cheating behind her back with a girl she hated dearly, so she did a drive by on the girl, luckily she's still alive though, didn't get hurt at all, which is why Monté only has to face three years.

Now while Monté was in prison, Drahid decided he'd at least put money on her books just to show he's sorry for fucking up, again, and that he still cares for her.

But Monté didn't care. She barely went to commissary. Monté mostly stayed in the library because one thing she loved to do was read magazines, plus she'd be away from all the drama.

"Hey Monté." An inmate named Porsha smiled at Monté.

"Hey Porsh." Monté smiled back.

Monté grabbed her a tray of food from the cart and went to go sit next to her friends, Cash, Yanni, and Kori.

"About time you came out that damn cell. What you was doing? Masturbating again?" Cash asked Monté.

"Shut the hell up." Monté rolled her eyes. "I told you million times, I don't do that nasty shit."

"It's not nasty when you can feel yourself getting ready to-.."

"We eatin', shut that shit up." Yanni cut Cash off. "Anyways, did y'all hear about the new girls coming today?" Yanni asked her friends.

"New girls?" Monté frowned. "How are they still fitting bitches in here?"

"I'm telling y'all, the government is trying to do us like the jews and burn us all in here." Kori spoke before biting into her burnt toast.

"If you don't shut up." Cash looked at her.

"Make me." Kori smirked.

"I also heard they were going to move us around tonight." Yanni spoke to Monté as Cash and Kori had their own conversation.

"What you mean move us around? Different cells?" Monté asked.

"Different cells, different cell mates." Yanni shook her head. "Hell, if I'm lucky, I'll have one of you bitches as my cell mate." She shrugged, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yea." Monté agreed.

After about thirty minutes, the guards let the females go outside, where they also saw the male side of the prison.

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