Drama Monologue

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I’m just sitting here in the store waiting on someone to buy me. I’m a off brand of glue stick called I-Magine. I can't believe school has started back and no one wants me. I'm only 25 cents why wouldn't anyone want to buy a cheap glue stick other then those kind beside me. I'm so disgusted with Elmer's glue sticks with their pretty colors and good packaging, but whatever someone will buy me today. Well, at least I hope they do. Wait, this man is coming to me. Oh my gosh, he's looking right at me. His hand is coming right to me then in one quick movement I'm in the buggy. I'm going to a home with childern, with real childern, I can't believe it. I'm in a car on my way home I can't believe it. I'm just so happy. I don't care if I get all used up by kids at least I know I will get used in the right way. Thank you old man for buying me today for your child.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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