Sadness takes over

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Authors note:
So watch the video before reading so you know the story behind this:D
If not that enjoy the story<3 Also if you would vote I would be so grateful:))

Owatari's POV:
I can't keep looking at them, i feel like i'm soon gonna burst up in tears.. might aswell just leave. I hurried my way to the door, I felt someone watching me though, but who would watch me so I just decided to ignore the feeling and walk out the door. When i was outside it was like someone threw ice cold water on me, the air felt freezing, I realized how sweaty i actually was. The tears didn't stop even though I couldn't see them, it was like someone stabbed my heart. It felt like I had no more tears to cry but they still kept running. I heard someone open the door, I quickly wiped my tears away and turned around, there he was, Iwaizumi staring at me with a worried look. ''Why are u crying?'' He suddenly asked. ''I-I'm not'' I yelled back, I felt like I was gonna throw up, suddenly everything went black, the only thing i felt was some arms carrying me. The next I felt is warmth like we came inside. I heard my sister's voice shouting at me, i could hear sirens. I was lifted up and its like i just snapped and fell asleep.

Iwaizumi's POV:

While carrying Owatari inside, ''SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!'' I yelled. Everyone was shocked, the only one's  that moved too Owatari's side was me and Mihoko. She was crying so badly, I even felt bad, I felt some tears run down my cheek as I currently staring at Owatari. ''WE DON'T HAVE THE WHOLE FUCKING DAY!'' I screamed. Sugawara picked up his phone and quickly dialed in 911, ''We have a blacked out boy here'' Sugawara explained quickly, after 5 minutes I could hear sirens.. '' Finally'' i whispered.
Seeing Owatari there helpless crushed my heart into hundreds of pieces and here again im watching him helpless. Its been 3 days since he blacked out, he still hasn't woken up, the doctors are a little worried its not normal for a boy his age to not wake up.. I haven't left Owatari's side for the last 3 days, Mihoko had work so she had to go.

Owatari's POV:
I felt the same feeling i felt the day i passed out, someone watching me, I opened my eyes I was right i saw someone staring at me but who was it? I scratched my eyes with my fingers and the blurrines was gone, it was Iwaizumi. '' How u doing?'' He suddenly asked, ''G-Good..'' I answered. It felt really peaceful just talking with Iwaizumi, everything was fine until the doctor came in. '' I see u finally woke up'' The doctor said smiling. '' What happend?'' I asked the doctor even though i already knew '' Oh you had a bloodloss and your body couldn't hold the warmth because of the bloodloss so u passed out. Iwaizumi was shocked when he heard the word bloodloss, '' Hey doc, could i have a private talk with Owatari?'' Iwaizumi said smiling, the doctor nodded and went out of the room '' Let me see your wrists.'' Iwaizumi said strict. I shook my head, he grabbed my hand and pulled it out of the covers. He was shocked when he saw all the scars on his wrist. They looked so new, he looked at me with tears in his eyes and pulled me into a tight embrace. '' Why.. just why did you.... do this to yourself...?'' he asked while holding me tight '' I was depressed'' I said with a shocked face.

4 days later..

I'm now at work, and i'm doing much better. I live with my sister and Iwa-chan, Iwa-chan told Mihoko about my depression and cutting, so she didn't let me live alone. I also told Iwa-chan why I was depressed, I actually told him the truth, that i liked him. He knows, i'm happy that i told him though of course he rejected me but it was like a rock was lifted of my chest. It felt good. Iwa-chan was working late today so only me and Mihoko should be home.

I came home to hearing moans from the living room, urgh its probably just Mihoko and
iwa-chan, but wait. Iwa-chan isn't shouldn't be home yet. I sneaked to the living room and saw something I thought I was never gonna see, Wine bottles, Beer stains, and vodka bottles all empty, on the sofa i see someone thrusting into Mihoko, I ran up stairs. I didn't know my sister anymore how could she do something like that.. I have to tell Iwa-chan. Wait he wont believe me, he knows I like him, he probably will just think that i'm jealous.

The next day I didn't go to work neither did I talk with my sister, I  was disgusted by her so I didn't talk to her..I saw Iwa-chan and Mihoko kissing not long ago I was just shocked how she just didn't care about what happened yesterday, she didn't care about him.
''Hey.. Can i talk with you Mihoko?'' I asked'' Sure'' she said smiling, she gently kissed Iwa-chan's head and walked over, we went to my room to talk. '' Okay so i'm pissed at you'' I said straight out '' W-Why?'' She asked. ''I gave u Iwa-chan, I LIKED HIM AND U JUST FUCKING TOY WITH HIS FEELINGS, I SAW YOU YESTERDAY, I WISH I COULD TELL HIM BUT HE WOULDN'T BELIEVE ME, WANNA KNOW WHY?''I screamed, she nodded'' WELL HE KNOWS I LIKE HIM HE'LL JUST THINK I'M JEALOUS OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT.'' I yelled, she started crying.'' You just fucking toyed with his feelings..'' i said weakly bursting out in tears'' I'm so disappointed in you'' I said harshly.''I'm sorry i didn't know you liked him'' she said while crying,''You shouldn't of done that either way HE'S MY BESTFRIEND!'' I said, she just cried.

Authors note:
Welp there's the first chapter i'm actually super proud and guess what
THIS CHAPTER IS 1000 WORDS:D I'm so happy that i made myself write 1000 words I'm on school brake so I will be updating, but i don't know how everything will be when school starts so. Thank you for reading this chapter:D

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