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In Winter's life there is no such thing as happiness or love. Only hatred and rage. The sadness that has been kept inside since the beginning. There is no happy ending in her world.

Waking up at 5 o'clock in the morning, Winter quickly rolled out of bed to get dressed and do her chores before school. The house was still dark and everything was quiet. This became a routine for her, knowing what the consequences were for her if she didn't obey her foster parents.

Winter was adopted by the Johnson's at the age of 10. Them being her 5th foster home, this was the best one out of the 5. Her previous foster parents would lock her up and beat her. The Johnson's, Albert and Diana were slightly better. She had to do all her chores and that includes cooking and cleaning every single day. Even if she was sick she still had to or else they would punish her but she was able to go to school. As long as she didn't get locked up, then she fine with it. Not at first though. She got use to the abuse eventually.

After cleaning the house it was 7:30. And she began making breakfast. Diana was the first one downstairs then Albert. " did you do everything you were suppose to?" Said Diana
"Yes miss." Replied Winter. In this house, Winter is required to call her miss or sir, not mother or father.
"Good" said Albert
" I don't want you getting lazy on your chores. Just because you've been here for so long doesn't mean you can just slack off"
"I wouldn't dare sir!"
"Alright hurry up and wash the dishes! If you don't finish, then no school!"
And with that Winter quickly scurried off.

Back in her room she began putting on her uniform. Brushing her long wavy platinum white hair, tying it back in a high ponytail. Lastly she packed her bags and headed out the door. The warm spring breeze brushed against Winter's face as she began her walk to school. She attended at Somer Peek High School. Right now she's in 11th grade. One of the top A students at Somer Peek. It doesn't get any better at school though. She gets bullied and made fun of because of her hair. Winter has a super platinum white hair with light shades of grey. With no one to talk to, she keeps her anger bottled up inside her.

After school, Winter had a couple hours to spare before heading back to her hell hole. Every single day she would walk a couple of miles to a beach. It was a quiet place where she could just sit there and relax for a bit. Sometimes when she couldn't contain her anger and sadness, she would let it all out. But today, she decided to finish her song. Winter had a passion for singing. Sometimes she uses songs to help her release her emotions. It's the only the that gave her a sense of hope.

(I'm not a song writer, but I hope this is ok. I tried..)
I use to think that everything would be ok,
Boy I was wrong. I was so wrong.
Sometimes I feel like I'm falling. Falling deeper and deeper into the darkness, I can't stop myself, I can't help myself... I'm all alone in this world...

Winter couldn't help but sigh. She put down her songbook and decided to have a quick walk before heading home. "maybe I don't belong here. Maybe the world is trying to give me a sign" tears began to roll down her face. " I want to belong!" She shouted at herself " I want to belong!" Beginning to feel eyes staring at her she quickly wiped her tears and ran "home"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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