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"I swear to god Coh I'm gonna kill you!..." I scream as I chase after him for the fourth time this morning.
"Rosie Posie you can't kill me I'm your true love" he teases as he holds my phone out the window while reading my messages. He was kinda an overprotective brother and hated that I talked to one of his best friends a lot.
"COHEN HUGH KING IF YOU DROP MY PHONE IM GONNA PUSH YOU OUT THE WINDOW AFTER IT!!!!!" I yell at him just as he turns my phone off.
"Fine you can have it back this time, but next time I catch you and Ceaser flirting over text I'm gonna drop it and then go kill him" he says as he hands my phone to me and then heads off to our room. Our parents only wanted 1 kid so they bought a 2 bedroom condo, but they ended up with the two of us, so we had to share the room.
I quickly text Ceaser to come over early, we had been dating for a couple months and Cohen hated it. But all of us still stayed friends and hung out together. Also I'm pretty sure Kaia and Cohen are having a fling but he won't tell me, I would be fine with Kaia but if he tried to go for Brielle I would kill him. Too many things went wrong with that girls life and I would hate to see him break her heart like he does every other girl.

I finish getting ready right as I hear the front door open and close.
"I'll get it!!!" I yell as I run down the hall in time to see Coh talking to Ceaser.
"Remember no touching or feeling or brushing okay? You can talk but nothing more, or I'll kill you man" I hear Cohen threatening Ceaser so I walk up to save him.
"Hey my baby!" I say leaning up and kissing him on the lips.
"Hey my Rose" He says back kissing the top of my head.
"Ew excuse me.... I'm trying to keep down my breakfast I just ate not throw it up" Cohen says from behind us.
"Oh shut up Coh, go pick up Kaia please she needs a ride" I say knowing he would love to do that.
"Okay! No funny business though while I'm gone, everyone will be here in 45 minutes" he says as he slams the door. We lived deep down in downtown L.A. while our friends lived in actual neighbourhoods a little whiles away.

Ceaser and I waited in my room cuddling on my bed while watching Greys Antony reruns. I had my head on his chest and our arms were wrapped around each other, while our legs comfortably stayed in a tangled mess. I had pretty much fallen asleep when I hear my door open and the sound of running footprints. And as always Brielle came and jumped on top of me, kissing my face before settling beside me pulling my body from Ceaser to her. Brielle has always been my bestest friend and always will be, most people assumed we are together because we randomly kiss each other's cheeks and hug each other and cuddle, anywhere we are. But we just have such a strong loving friendship that anyone who knew us knew it was normal for us.
"Hey Ellie!" I say turning away from Ceaser and laying my head on her chest.
"Hey Rosie! I missed you, how's life? How's Coh? How's mom and dad?" Brielle's parents died when she was 7 and she now lived with her older brother, so my parents took on the role as being her parent figures. So my parents were hers and Coh was her brother and I was her best friend/sister.
"Life's good, I missed you too even though we hung out last night! Coh is good, I think him and Kaia are having a fling, he went to get her and didn't even think about saying no, like he does when I tell him to get you. Parents are good, away as usual." My parents were pilots and travelled everywhere together, so they were away at least 6 out of the 7 days in a week.
"Good good, what are we doing today? Watching greys again?" She was just as big of a fan of Greys as I was, we watched it fully through 7 times, drooling over Mcdreamy and Mcsteamy while wishing we were Mer and Lexi.
"I think Coh said he wants to go to the pier, but we can come back tonight and watch Greys again!" I say before wiggling out between the both of them to put on actual clothes.

I ended up throwing on a simple pair of jean shorts and a cropped sweatshirt, along with my adidas shoes. Ellie wore a pair of my jean shorts and a simple t-shirt along with her adidas shoes. Ceaser, along with the other boys was in all Nike clothing. They were all currently obsessed with it and Kaia showed up with washed out denim shorts paired with an adidas shirt and shoes. When we were all ready we called an Uber to come get us.

"Okay guys the Uber will be here in 15min, for now Kaia and I have something to tell you!" Cohen stands up in front of us, pulling Kaia to his side.
"This morning, I asked Kaia to be my girlfriend and.... she said yes!!" He seemed happy so I was happy for him, he pulled her in for a quick kiss as we all got up to hug them.
"Congrats Kaia, Coh is honestly a great guy and I'm happy his girlfriend will like me for once" I say as I pull her into a long hug. I next go up to Coh and pull him into a hug, maybe saying some threats to him so he doesn't break her heart. 
"Sooo everyone is dating each other, all who's left Ellie and I, to bad I'm in love with someone else" Russel chimes up, looking right at me winking, but making sure no body else saw. He and I had a small thing happen this time last year and he hasn't gotten over it. We weren't together so I slept with somebody at a party and then I felt guilty so I told and broke whatever we had off. He didn't want it to end but I don't think I feel much for him, at least I dot now for sure.
"It's okay Russ, I would never date you anyways, I prefer men, to boys" Ellie has always gone after older men and when I say older I don't mean our parents age I mean like 5 to 7 years older.
"Yo guys we gotta go, Uber's down there already" Cohen says getting up and grabbing Kaia's hand as we all head down to the lobby from our apartment on the 11th floor.

We arrive at the pier 30 minutes later and Ceaser immediately pulls me onto a ride. It was a mini rollercoaster that went around in circles, really fast. When we got off that we walked around trying to find the rest of the group.
A couple minutes later we find them all at a picnic table eating loads of fair food. I go over and sit on Ellie's lap, sharing her food with myself.
"Hey Rosie!" Ellie's says kissing my cheek.
"Hey Ellie!" I respond with my mouth full of her burger and fries which makes everyone laugh at me.
"Hey Rosie?" Russel asks, not even looking up from his tacos, that boy loves his tacos.
"Yeah Russ?" I respond gulping down the milkshake Ceaser just brought to me.
"Wanna go to a party with on Friday?" That was weird why would he just invite me.
"Why are you inviting my girlfriend, to a party with you?" Ceaser says before I think of how to say no.
"Yo dude I didn't mean it like that, it's just this girl wants to get with me, and I don't like her, so I told her I have a girlfriend and she asked what she looked like. So I described Ellie cause I figured Ellie would go with me, but turns about Ellie has a thing to go to with her brother. And Rosie looks like Ellie so figured I could ask her, as friends and a favour." After Russ finishes Ceaser's ears were burning.
"Sure Russ, I'll go but only for a bit." I say placing my hand on Ceasers leg, letting him know to trust me.
"Okay enough talking let's go hit the rides!!!!" Coh yells grabbing Kaia's hand.

Thank you for deciding to read my story!! I have a lot of ideas for this book, but I know for sure that a little surprise will be coming soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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