Chapter 1 The Adventure Begins

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After our run in with the circus mutants, my brothers and me make our way back home, our parents have just arrived home from work. We run up to them, I jump, in my dad's arms, me being the youngest I'm daddy's little girl. We all go inside and have dinner, as we finish, I go up to my room, and fall asleep, around 3:00 am I hear my bedroom door open.

I think nothing of it, maybe it's my parents coming to check on me, but it's not my parents, someone shakes me awake, there is no time to explain, you and your brothers must come with me.

I go to wake my brothers, Michael the oldest out of the three brothers, mister hot head that he always is says in a loud voice, what the fuck is going on? Damien and Dante follow Michael into my room.

The stranger, tells us, as soon as we get to our destination, all your questions will be answered.

He opens a portal, and we all walk in.

Within minutes we are teleported to another realm.

The stranger introduces himself as Darien protector of realms, and the universe.

Come with me my leader is expecting you.

Darien takes us into a large room, wait here. Just then the doors open up, inside walks Darien's leader.

My name is Jedzia ruler of the Nexus Realm, I have sent Darien to look for you, because you four are the chosen warriors.

What do you mean? I ask, come with me. Jedzia leads us into another, and walks to a table, in front of you are 4 golden keys, and morphers. Your great ancestors were once protectors of the Nexus Realm, they were the Galaxy Defenders. Please take your morphers, and accept your destiny.

Michael, you are the oldest, you will be known as Galaxy Defender Alpha you must lead your team with bravery and fearlessness. Jenna you are agile, as well as graceful, Galaxy Defender Delta's powers are yours, Damien, you are knowledgeable and resourceful, Galaxy Defender Omega is yours to command, and finally Dante, you trustworthy and helpful, Galaxy Zulu, is your power.

Just then Darien rushes into the room and informs us that earth is being attacked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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