Kellin Quinn (Sleeping With Sirens): I'd Choose You

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You'd known Kellin Quinn since you two were seventeen. The same year he thought he had met his first love, it wasn't you, though you were simply his best friend. You witnessed the making of Sleeping With Sirens. You were with him when he married Katelynne and when they had Copeland, you were also there when they divorced...

Kellin claimed that he'd fallen in love with someone else when he told Katelynne the news. He also told her sorry about a million times, but you only knew this because Kellin told you.

Them divorcing caused the fangirls to go crazy since there was hope for Kellic and numerous other shippings, it was crazy for a short time.

You heard your phone ring, causing you to get out of thought. You answered it, without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, (y/n), can you come over?" A voice, you recognized it as Kellin.

"What for?" You asked. You didn't mind him asking you to come over, it was normal. Well.. Normal before Katelynne and Kellin got divorced to look after the kids when they went out.

"Erm, I have Copeland with me and she really wants to see you. After all, you are kind of a second mother to her. Let me get her to talk you into coming," Kellin replied as he handed the phone to Copeland.

"Auntie (y/n), can chu pwease come over? Daddy has a surprise," Copeland said in her baby voice. You couldn't let her down, you had her spoiled almost as must as Kellin has her.

You sighed in defeat, "I can't say no to you, Cope, I swear you'll be the death of me. I'll be there in a couple of minutes..."

"Yay! Daddy, (y/n), is coming!" Copeland yelled excitedly as she gave her phone back to her daddy.

"(y/n), come before Copeland becomes inpatient. You know how she is," Kellin said on the phone.

I chuckled, I almost felt sorry for him, Copeland was spoiled enough for Kellin to have everything done by the time she wants, or she'd cry and be fussy about it.

"Don't worry, Quinn, when have I ever let you down, mate?" You asked, trying to sound Australian, but failed miserably and ended the call before he can reply.

On the way to Kellin's house, you had thought about what Cope said.

Daddy has a surprise.

Kellin has a surprise.

You didn't and kind of wanted to know what it was. Knowing Kellin, it really could be anything. The last time he had a surprise for you was your birthday, and he throw you a big party and being you, you totally forgot it was on that day and you were surprised whenever there was a banner that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)".

Then there was that other time where he tried to hook you up with his other best friend, Vic Fuentes, saying it was again a surprise. It wasn't like he was a bad guy, you love Vic, but as a friend. The date ended up with both of you in awkwardly just sitting in a booth, while you tried to make a conversation by saying "I like unicorns".

You weren't ever into dating, the only crush you'd have was your best friend, Kellin Quinn... You never told him. It wasn't like he'd take you seriously if you confessed.

Then again, maybe it'd be good to have a surprise today, after all, both of you hardly ever spend time with each other anymore. You honestly missed him. A lot.

Once you reached Kellin's door, you rang the bell. In less than a minute, Kellin showed up with Copeland right behind him.

"So why am I here?" You asked innocently.

"Daddy wants to tell Auntie (y/n) that he-" Copeland was cut off by Kellin.

"Daddy kinda wants it to be a surprise for (y/n), so don't go saying it to her, sweetheart, it'll be better if I told her," Kellin explained to Copeland.

"Sowwy, daddy," Copeland apologized.

"It's alright Cope," with that he scooped her up in his arms. "Hey, you might want to come inside, you do want to know the surprise, right?" He asked, looking at you.

You nodded and fallowed Kellin inside, wondering what the surprise was.

"Cope, go play with your toys while I tell (y/n) what I told you," Kellin said to Copeland as he put her down. Copeland surprisingly agreed and went to her room.

"What's so important that you had to kick Copeland out of the room for, Quinn?" You teased.

"Ididthatsoicantellyouthatialwayslovedyou," Kellin said hurriedly. It all sounded like it was put together. It didn't make sense.

"Kellin, slow down, talk more slowly this time," you replied.

"I," he pointed his thumb at himself. "Love," he made his hands into a heart shape. "POKEMON. Like you totally need to catch them all," he said hurriedly, he seemed almost nervous.

"That's lovely."

He stared at you. What he did next surprised you even more. He planted an innocent kiss on your lips, it was kind of more like a peck.

"Want to know what's lovelier, (y/n)?" Kellin poked your shoulder repeatedly.

"What's lovelier?" You asked, annoyed, you didn't liked being poked, it gave you an urge just to cut his breathing, but you wouldn't do that. What kind of a friend would you be if you did?

"If you were a pokemon, I'd choose you."

A confession sure was a nice surprise.


Soapppp... Everyone likes Kellin Quinn, so I started with him xD.

Erm, I do requests. Idek. I'm probably gonna make random one shots.

Like it? No? Maybe? Lemme know, pweasee. Or no cheesecake for you.

Oh, and I'll do requests if you want to request anything.

It's not like I have anything to do... I'm a no lifer. So that's good.

Anyways. Peacetea. Pst, that's how I'll bye.

Soap.. Peacetea.

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