Chapter 1- Burning the memories

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Lily looked at the old, tattered letter that she had placed in her lap. A slight breeze blew her hair back and forth, tears began to fill her deep blue eyes. "That bastard!" She yelled out to herself. She looked at the fire in front of her, the warm glow surrounded her. She scrunched up the note in her hand and brushed a lock of her faded, light blue hair out of her face. Lily furrowed her brows and gritted her teeth, her nails dug into the soft skin of her hands she firmly shut her eyes tears began streaming down her cheeks. A tear fell onto her lap this, caused her to tense up. She was suddenly in a trance-like state. Her eyes were wide, her heart rate quickened as the memories of what had once happened plagued her mind.

She remained frozen for a few minutes, once she snapped out of it she felt more tears falling from her eyes and onto her cheeks. Once again, her gaze fell upon the piece of paper on her lap. She picked it up and held it in her hands. She looked at it for a few seconds, Lily briefly skimmed over the words. She sighed and firmly shut her eyes, she felt a small knot forming in her stomach. She bit her lip as she quickly ripped it clean in two. Her eyes slowly opened. She gazed at the fire.

Lily stood up she walked towards the orange, glowing flames. She brought the pieces of the torn-up letter towards it. The other piece remained in her hand. Her other hand went closer to the fire, it quivered slightly. She threw it into the fire and quickly removed her hand away from the flames. She looked down at the second piece she quickly moved her other hand towards the fire setting the corner of the piece of paper alight. It began to slowly incinerate to nothing but ash; the wind slowly blew the ashes away into the distance.

"I hope you burn..." She venomously yelled as a tear fell from her chin and onto the soil beneath her feet.

Burning Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें