The Wolf Always Wins

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Jonathan was seven when his parents left him. They abandoned him at a rundown gas station in the middle of nowhere.

"Wait right here" they said. "We'll be right back" they said. Lies. They never came back but he did wait for hours and he kept on waiting even as the police showed up to take him to the station. He kicked and punched. Bit and clawed. Spit and slapped. He was determined to stay.

"They are coming back!" He screamed. Yet deep down he knew that it was a lie, but he was detemined to hang on to any hope. Its been six years since Jonathan was abandoned and now he starts to understand why.


"Hey loser" followed by a shove.

This is nothing new. Ever since he got to the orphanage six years ago he has been the punching bag for all of the older kids and even some of the younger ones too, which didn't help his low self-esteem.

Jonathan was pushed to the ground with a shove followed by a whimper as a foot belonging to one of the older boys and honorary tormentor, connected with his ribs. 

"Serves you right queer." and with that his tormentors left at least for now.

Jonathan crawled over to the hard wooden bench and climbed up it. What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? Why me? He looks out the open window and stares longingly at the woods behind the tall, menacing steel wired fence. Oh how I wish I could run through the trees and jump across the creeks and streams that surely flow through the heavenly paradise on the opposite side of that damn fence.  He slowly gets up from his seat next to the window and clutches his side in pain. He slowly shambles intot he kitchen heading towards the refrigerator for an ice pack hoping its cool touch will relieve him of his pain. As he passes another window he looks up as out of instinct and sees the moon. He is bewildered as it is only eleven in the morning. But as he stares at the moon his eyes glaze over and he collapses.

When he returns to consiousness it seems as through little time has passed.  He gets up and shakes his head heading over to the fridge to get an ice pack for his ri- wait they dont hurt anymore. He lifts his shirt and to his shock there isnt even a bruise. "How?!" He utters to himself in disbelief. When ever he is beat up he has bruises for days if not weeks. In this moment of confusion he is shobed face first into the fridge. He pulls back and sees a splotch of blood on the otherwise snow white appliance. He whirls around and feels the blood fly from his nose.

"Watch where you are going fagg-" before he can finish the sentence Jonathan lunges at Tristen. With the element of surprise he is able to knock him down and get a few hits on his face. However Tristen recovers and kicks him off sending him flying into the wall with a sickening crunch.

Jonathan reaches to the back of his head and feels his hair matted with blood. He pulls his hand back and it is coated a dark crimson. The sight of his own blood sends him into a fit of rage and he lunges at Tristen who attempts to keep him off but it is no use. Jonathan claws and kicks. Punches and bites. Just as ge did when they took him from the store all those years ago. He hears a whimper under him but he is lost in his rage. Finally his hesd is cleared and Tristen is a bloody mess under him. Jonathan's hands are painted red with his own blood and Tristen's.

He rises out of fear and stumbles backwards hitting the wall. What did I just do? Did I kill him? 'He desrved it' whispers a dark part of his mind; the animalistic part.  Tristen begins to stir and groan, slowly regaining consciousness.

He runs out of the kitchen with a veil of fear around him. What the hell did I just do? How the hell did I do it?  He hides out in his room staring longingly at the moon and the trees.

"Jonathan get your ass down here for dinner" yells one of the old ladies the runs the orphanage. He slowly rises and retreats from his room sadly breaking contact from the moon and trees. As he enters the dinning room where the food is placed he is jumped by Tristen's lackys. He is shoved into the wall and suffers blow after blow. But he manages to dodge one and just like that rage again fills his mind and he can think of nothing other than hurting the others. He jumps and snarls like a wild animal. Fighting with every ounce of his being. Fighting against these boys tooth and nail. He is hit in the back of the head with what felt like a pan and the blows he coming but through the pain he sees the moon no longer translucent but bright white and full; filling the autumn sky with its endless light. Something in him snaps and he shrieks. Letting out such a forceful wail that the boys and ladies freeze and stare. He begins to change. He howls in pain and those around him he the crunch of his bones snapping and reforming. His shaggy hair begins to grow longer and sprouts from every part of his body. His jeans and shirt begin to rip as his body expands into its new form. He howls in agony and the ladies begin to scream and hurl curses at him. Hurridly praying to an absent god. The boys regain their senses and some flee while others grab anything and everything and fling it at the beast that lies where Jonathan once did.

He growls and rises shaking his fur. Poping his joints into place. The wolf has taken over. He lunges at the nearest boy sinking his canines into his side and slashing his face. Screams of agony erupt from the poor boy's mouth then they are replaced with a this and silence from his first victim.

Stop! Why can't I stop!? 'Because I am in control now' says the dark side of his mind; the wolf.  No! Stop hurting them. 'You know as well as I do that they deserve it...they all do.' And with that the wolf lunges at one of the ladies silencing her screams.

Stop they dont deserve this! 'They do. They have only harmed you. They ripped you from your parents and forced you to live here in this house of horrors' False memories of the day his parents left him arise and suddenly Jonathan feels rage, pure unchecked rage; feeding the wolf. 'Yes they deserve to suffer. They deserve to die at your hands.'

They do?

'They do' coaxes the wolf.

They do.

In a blur the massacre is over and the house is destroyed covered with blood and dismembered bodies. He turns from the house and trots off into thw trees content.

~The wolf always wins~

-The End-

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