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(Historical Fiction) (Based on Assassins Creed)

(Morning of June 7th, 1775)

I sit on an oak branch, waiting for Jason to return from receiving his orders.

'Can't they hurry up?' I think impatiently, ruffing my feathers. My talons dig deeper into the branch as I hear another gun shot, I glance at the trainees for what feels like the millionth time that day.

'Why can't humans live in peace with each other, what's the use of this war?' I think to myself sadly. I can't remember a time when humans weren't fighting, it's honestly really disappointing. My head shoots toward the door, as it creeks open. Jason's familiar form appears walking away from the building. Hearing a light whistle, I leap off the branch and glide after him.

Jason stopped on the side of the road to rest, I land on a nearby branch. He turns to me and says, "Well, Mercy here we go again."

As he was reading the paper he mumbles something about a Lord Dunmore, and how he's against us. We had gone on missions similar to this one before, but with a higher ranked assassin. Although we've never been on a mission this serious alone. He offers me his arm to perch on. Hopping onto it, he smooth's the feathers on my chest.

"Mercy, scout on ahead!" He helps me launch into the air.

After flying for a few minutes. I spot two guards patrolling I screech a warning- Jason took care of them easily. As I near the town I notice more guards some of them even had a symbol that looked like a "T". Jason only attacked the guard with the "T" symbol, and the guards that engaged him.

We finally reach the assigned temporary base in town. I perch in a nearby tree, until he comes out again. I prepare to follow him, but before I do anything he signals for me to stay where I am. I'm confused, but I still do as he says. As he melts into the crowd, I start to dose off.

(August 8th, 1772)

"This bird is now your responsibility, Mr. Owens" I woke to see a strange man along with my caretaker.

'What now, this better not be another training exercise.' I think impatiently.

"Mentor, I'm experienced with weapons and tracking. Not bird-sitting." the man said a little bit harshly.

I glare at him 'I don't know what's going on but I'm not being bird-sat by anyone.'

My caretaker looks at the man, and snaps "Jason! You were picked for this, because you are one of the top trainees of class! Now, this fledgling will be your partner until you pass on."

'So, your name's Jason.' I tell myself. My caretaker reaches into the cage offering his arm. I reluctantly grab onto the leather glove he wears. I don't like training, but any chance to get out of this cage is a blessing.

"But-" Jason protests, but he's cut off by my caretaker.

"No, buts. Now reach out your arm like this."

(Evening of June 7th, 1775)

I wake to the sound of yelling. I look to see what is going on. A man is yelling something about a thief, scanning the area I see Jason sitting on a bench a few feet away from the commotion. After things died down again, Jason headed back toward the base. When he came out again, he signals for me to follow. We gathered information for the rest of the day. From what I could understand Lord Dunmore is a governor, who is against the rebellion.

'What's wrong with these humans?' I think perplexed. Jason turns in for the night, so I decide to do the same choosing a different tree from before. Then I close my eyes.

(August 24th, 1772)

I descend on the mouse quickly. As soon as I reach it, I snap its neck. Jason comes closer to see it, but I covered my prey with my wings. Although we began to trust each other, we still had some ways to go. He frowned a little bit, but kept his distance. Once I was done, I flew to his arm. He seem to think for a minute before mumbling;

"You always go for the neck..." He wasn't wrong whenever I hunt I aim for my preys neck, it's quick and easy.

"Almost... like an act of mercy..." He hums quietly.

"That's what I'll call you, Mercy."

(Morning of June 8th, 1775)

Stirring awake, I realize that I didn't eat at all yesterday. I leap into the air, and quickly find a lone rabbit. I get back just before dawn. Jason comes out after about twenty minutes. He gives me a sign to follow, as he heads toward an area we spent a lot of time in yesterday.

As I scout ahead, I see an unusually large amount of guards around a port. Jason joins a group of patriots that starts heading toward the heavily guarded port. I stay a good ways away, afterword's I hear a lot of gun shots. I see someone limp toward the nearby ship, and Jason stumbling after him. Jason collapses before he can even reach the ship. I quickly find a perch closer to him, I can see his breathing is normal. It takes a while, before he gets back up.

"Ungh, what?" he groans. He slowly gets up, then looks toward where the ship was.

"I... failed..." the both of us knows what might happen if anyone fail a mission.

(October 12th, 1772)

We had just finished a training session, I was tired so Jason lent me arm. When we came back to base, we saw a crowd starting to gather around the main building. Suddenly, someone was thrown to the ground (I recognized the as Gerald, an old friend of Jason's). He started coughing as if the air was taken from him. One of the mentors was standing in front of him.

"What have you done?" The mentor asks coldly, I can even feel the ice beneath his words. Jason even seemed startled.

"I..., I didn't mean for...," Gerald coughs out.

"To let them get away! To nearly get your brothers killed!" The mentor was shouting at him now. Gerald flinched, and then started at the ground in what I think was shame. Seeing that the mentor gestured something to the assassins behind him. They moved to grab Gerald, and hoisted him up. They moved to grab Gerald, and hoisted him up. Jason frowned, and reached for something in his bag.

The mentor coming closer to Gerald was the last thing I saw, because Jason had covered my eyes with the training hood.

"Gerald Robinson, you disgraced the Brotherhood. I hear by release you." The mentor declared, after that I heard a short grunt then silence. Jason started moving again, away from the group.

"It is the way of the creed..." I hear Jason faintly mutter.

(Evening of June 8th, 1775)

After Jason had rested a bit, we start on a slow trek back to home base. We encountered only normal guards on the way back, although none of the guards with the "T" symbol. When we finally arrive at the base, Jason goes straight into the main building..., leaving me to wonder if I will ever see him again....

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