Chapter 1: Secret Kids Society

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Kiara Wilmore woke up that morning knowing something was off. She didn't know how things were off she just knew. What she didn't know was that today her life was going to change completely forever. It was almost like any other day. The only thing that was off was that she felt uneasy. So she decided to ignore it and just continue like it was any normal summer day. She went downstairs to find her Mom and step dad Jack. She ate her normal breakfast of Cheerios with strawberries and milk. Well she was eating she grabbed the book she was reading at the time which was Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. Kiara loved to read, reading was her favorite pastime.

A little background on Kiara is before her Mom and Dad split up they had two kids her and her older brother Connor. One day her parents just split up and Kiara hasn't seen Connor since. The only thing she knows about him is that he has a stepmom and he's ten. She lives with her Mom and step dad in a large house on Greensview drive by the elementary school. Also she's seven.

Well Kiara was eating and reading she looked up for a second and saw the newspaper that her step dad was reading and on the front page the headline said Woman killed, killer claims she was the enemy. "Jack what is that on the front page?" Kiara asks her step dad. "It's nothing to be concerned about right now Kiara." Jack responds. "Ok, so what's on the agenda today?" Kiara asks. "Nothing special, it's supposed to rain today so we might stay inside and play some games and maybe if it stops raining we can go outside and jump in the puddles." Kiara's mom says. "Yay" Kiara says. After they all finished breakfast they went to the living room to play some board games. They played Sorry, and Life. Finally the rain stopped and Kiara got on her rain gear and ran out the door with her parents behind her. She saw her friend Carson was also outside so she ran over to him and said hi. When she turned around she noticed her parents on the ground surrounded in something red. She ran over to them and noticed a hole in the back of their heads. She started to scream and cry, not knowing what to do. "MOMMY" Kiara screamed. At that moment she knew they were dead. Then she noticed somebody running toward her. She stood up, still crying. When the person got closer she realized it was Estelle her babysitter. "Estelle" she cried. "Kiara come here honey" Estelle said. Kiara ran over to Estelle. Estelle pulled her into a big hug, stroking her hair to calm her. "It's ok Kiara everything is going to be ok, I've got you know." Estelle whispered softly. "Kiara look at me you need to listen to me." Estelle said. "Come with me I know a place we can go but it will take us a few days to get there because it's in Cincinnati" Estelle said. Kiara followed Estelle as she started to walk back to her house. When they got to Estelle's house she said "I just need to grab a few things before we go so come on inside and sit on the couch". Kiara did as she was told and went inside and sat on the couch. When Estelle came back to gather Kiara she said "can we go back to my house I wanna get Teddy and some food?" Estelle agreed so they walked back to Kiara's house. Kiara grabbed Teddy and some protein bars and bottles of water and put them in her backpack. She also grabbed a blanket and some extra clothes. Kiara and Estelle walked out the door and headed towards the highway. When they got to the highway Estelle turned to Kiara and said "Kiara listen to me we need to be careful the highways have been pretty much deserted but still I need you to stay on the opposite side of me from the highway. Can you do that?" "I can do that" Kiara said. They walked until nightfall and luckily there was a motel at the next exit. They got their room and went up to it closed the door behind them and instantly Kiara fell asleep on the bed. When she woke up the next morning Estelle was already up and fixing their breakfast of an apple, 4 travel sized things of peanut butter, and a protein bar. Kiara ate her food as fast as possible knowing they needed to get out of there as fast as possible so they could start walking. They left the motel and headed back towards the highway to keep walking. "Kiara do you remember what I told you yesterday?" Estelle asked. "Yes, you said stay on the opposite side of you from the highway" Kiara answered. They got to the highway and kept walking. Kiara eventually got hungry so she pulled out a protein bar and started to eat it, when Estelle said "Kiara look we are almost to the Cincinnati exit". They finally reached the exit for Cincinnati. They got off and started the trek to the city. It took them several hours to reach the city. When they got there it was almost dark outside and Kiara was getting tired so Estelle made the decision to stop and get some rest, and walk the last part of the trek tomorrow. Again as soon as they got into the hotel room Kiara flopped on the bed and fell fast asleep. The next morning Estelle knew it wouldn't be a very long walk from where they were to where they were headed, so when Kiara woke up they just packed up the rest of their stuff and left. Estelle knew right where they were so she didn't really need to pay as much attention to the street signs as before. They finally got to Kiara guessed as to where they were headed. It was a strange building. Estelle pulled something out of her bag which looked like a card of some sort. There was a little black box with a blinking red light beside the door. Estelle put the card up to the door and it opened as if by magic. Estelle walked in the doorway halfway then stopped only to wave at Kiara to join her. Kiara followed Estelle inside only to find nothing interesting inside. She turned around to leave but the door had already closed behind her with no way to open it, except for another black box just like the one outside. Kiara turned back around to say something to Estelle but before she could say anything Estelle started talking in a very hushed voice. "Kiara this is important. I need you to listen. I am apart of the Secret Kids Society or the SKS. I brought you here when I saw your parents dead. I was coming over to hide your parents and tell them to stay inside and then take you with me here. So when I saw your parents dead plans changed. I brought you straight here. This place will help you find your brother Connor if he is still alive. They will give you shelter and plenty of food. This is your home now. You will learn some combat but only when you turn 12". Estelle then quickly turned around and opened a hidden door behind her and motioning for Kiara to follow she walked through the door into whatever it was. Kiara followed Estelle through the doorway and her jaw dropped. There were kids everywhere. Some had uniforms on and name-tags and the others had on regular clothes. "Wow Estelle this is amazing" Kiara exclaimed. Estelle didn't answer so she turned to look at her but she was gone and another person had replaced her. "Hi you must be Kiara Wilmore. I've heard so much about you. You must be confused. I'm Greg but most people just call me Head Child. Welcome to the Secret Kids society. We will take care of all your needs. In return we ask that when you are older you help us find others families" the Kid said. "Ok so why am I here again?" Kiara asked. "You are here because both of your parents are dead and you are to young to be on your own. At the SKS we help people find their family that might not be dead. Do you have any other family we should know about so we can start looking for them?" the Head Child asked. "I do I have a brother and a dad. My dad is probably dead. My brothers name is Connor Wilmore and he's 10" Kiara answered. "Wonderful if you would just follow me I will show you to your sleeping quarters" the Head Child told her. Kiara followed him eager to get to where she would be staying so she could put her stuff down get some food and take a shower. They walked down many hallways. Finally they reached their destination. "Here we are" the Head Child said. Kiara put her bag down on the bed and when she turned around it wasn't just the Head Child there was another kid there but this time a girl. "Ahh just in time. Kiara this is Rachel she will be helping you get acquainted to the SKS. She will show you where the dining room is and where the bathrooms are. I'm afraid I must run but once again welcome Kiara we hope you will feel safe here" the Head Child said as he walked out the door. "Hello Kiara. It's very nice to meet you" Rachel said. "Hi it's very nice to meet you too!" Kiara said. "Would you like to get some food? I'm sure your hungry" Rachel asked. "Oh yes please" Kiara exclaimed. Rachel motioned for Kiara to follow her as they walked to the cafeteria. It seemed like forever to reach the cafeteria but they finally got there. Rachel walked over to an already existing line and grabbed a tray. Kiara followed her and stood right behind and grabbed the tray Rachel offered her. When it came to be Kiara's turn to get food the girl serving her food said "hey, are you new? What's your name? I'm Crystal". "Hi yes I am new I just got here today. My name is Kiara Wilmore. Nice to meet you!" Kiara said. "Well nice to meet you too welcome" Crystal said. Kiara sat down at a table next to Rachel and started to scarf down her food. "Woah slow down there you might choke" Rachel said. Kiara blushed.

2 years later

It was like any normal day at the SKS for Kiara. She woke up, got dressed, went to breakfast and then went to the thing they called "school" here. She was now nine and her brother Connor was 12. They had been looking for him for two years. It was just after lunch that Rachel came and got Kiara. Rachel wouldn't tell her anything except for to follow her. Kiara did as she was told and followed her. They went down many flights of stairs and down many hallways. Finally they came to a stop in front of a door. She couldn't see inside because Rachel was blocking the door, but she could hear the faint murmur of talking. Rachel realized Kiara was trying to see in and she pushed her against the wall next to the door. Suddenly she saw Rachel move out of the way and heard somebody say "come on in" she looked at Rachel and she motioned for her to go in. So Kiara walked through the door. She took a few steps in. The voice she had heard belonged to the Head Child. She saw that he was talking to some kids She heard him say "this is.." right before he said the words "this is" she recognized one of the kids, it was a boy. She couldn't quite place who it was but then it hit her and she realized that it was CONNOR!! At that moment she didn't need for the Head Child to introduce them she knew. "CONNOR" she cried. She heard him say her name. She tried to hold back tears but it wasn't working. She ran and gave him a big hug. That lasted forever. The hug was full of snot, tears and "I love you's". Then at that moment she knew that life was gonna be so much better. She knew that know the dreams would stop and she would finally get a goodnight's sleep without the image of her dead brother in her head, now that she knew he was alive. They had so much to talk about, but that didn't matter right now, she just needed to know that Connor will be with her forever. She would have her brother and he would have her forever.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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