The End

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"Do you think they're still out there?" she whispered, unable to hide the fear that coursed through her veins. She looked to her brother, his brown hair flopping across his forehead as he pressed his face to the grubby window.

"I don't think so. If we go slowly and quietly I think we could make it to the market." As if on cue their stomachs rumbled. She gave him a small smile, knowing there was nothing she could do but trust him. He was her brother, he wouldn't put her in any unnecessary danger if he could help it.

The trouble these days was you couldn't always help the trouble you ended up in. When the monsters had fallen, they had brought with them a whole world of pain, destroying civilisation and any hopes of rebuilding it. Sometimes she wondered if her parents had had the right idea when they had swallowed those pills.

"Ok...let's go." He took her hand and slowly, silently they made their way out of the remains of the post office. The road was ripped up and cars were overturned everywhere they looked. It was a sad sight. His eyes warily scanned the sky, his ears straining for any sound of them, for the tell-tale clicking they made.

"We're nearly there," she whispered, her excitement growing. Her mind raced over the goodies they would find in the abandoned shop. She had dreamt of crisps and chocolate, her mouth watering at the thought of tasting cola for the first time since their arrival.

"Come on, be careful now," he whispered, helping her over the remnants of what had once been a motorbike. His eyes were on her, watching her sad brown eyes as she placed her feet carefully...he should have been watching the sky, that was rule number one...don't take your eyes from the sky.

It swept down before he even had the chance to react. The clicking noise filled the whole street, echoing off the ghosts of the buildings. Its wings were strong and forced them to the floor, blowing dust into their eyes and mouths.

"Noooo! Sarah!" he shouted, trying to keep a hold of his sister but it was strong, its red eyes hungry. The smell of its rotting flesh filled his nose, making bile rise in his throat. He reached out, prising the zombie angels fingers from his sisters arm, retching as one broke off in his hand. It was the wrong thing to just made it angrier.

The zombie angel changed his focus, shifting his attention to him. He was fine with that, he was happy to give himself in place of his sister. He fought with everything he could but he wasn't strong enough. His sister's tearful brown eyes, her mouth open in a blood curdling scream was the last thing he saw before he was dragged into the sky.

The End.

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