Juliet Smith truth

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[Narrartor pov]

Juliet Smith was lying on her bed on a normal night while her father, Thomas Smith, was watching football. She was texting her friends. She was listening to her new favouriate song, Eastside when all of a sudden a new notification came up. It was a message from a guy that called himself Romeo.

Romeo: "Hey beautiful! Just looking for some new friends thought you could help me?"

She didn't know what to do. She decided to message him back.

Juliet: "Hi, uh sure I'll be your friend."

Romeo: "Great! Can't believe I have someone as beautiful as you to be friends with!"

Juliet: "Stop it you're making me blush! 😊"

Romeo:"Good that's what I wanted to achieve! 😁"

They continued to message for days. Her dad asked her why she looked way happier than normal. She said she was happier due to a new tv show that came on netflix.

Thomas Smith is a full time enginner. He was always trying to support Juliet in everything she did as her mother left them straight after she gave birth due to a secret boyfriend. Any time Juliet asked about her mother he would get angry and drink either two whole cans of beer or a whole bottle of wine. She tries not to talk about her mother, Julie, anymore. Her father and her had a special relationship. They would do everything together as they only had each other. Except when he watched football as Juliet would text her friends then.

One night Romeo asked Juliet a question,

Romeo: "Juliet, I felt like we have been close for a long time coming now. Will you go out with me?!"

Juliet: "Of course I'd love to be your girlfriend!"

Romeo: "What's your address? Just I want to know in case we go on dates!"

Juliet told him. 10 minutes later she recieved a picture of her bedroom window from the outside.

Juliet: "How did you know what bedroom was mine?"

Romeo: "I followed my heart and it led the way!"

Juliet: "Awww that's so sweet!"

Juliet went up to her window but couldn't see anyone. Little did she know he was hiding in the bushes.

Weeks went on and they messaged each other more and more. Her dad was a bit concerned how she was always on her phone then.

One wedensday:

Romeo: "Let's meet up with saturday at that coffee shop which is two minutes away from your house!"

Juliet: "Sure!"

Romeo: "I'll be there two oclock sharp!"

Juliet: "Can't wait!"

Then she went in the shower. Her father decided to have a sneak peak on her phone. He saw all these messages and was completely, utterly horrified that his daughter was texting this stranger.

He sat anxiously worrying about what to do, he has anxiety, so he decided to call the police.

Person on phone: "Hello 101 how can we help you?"

Thomas: "Hi uh my daughter she's been texting this boy who seems to be stalking her. He sent her a picture of her bedroom window and according to what I saw he's been stalking her alot. He calls himself Romeo. I don't know what to do."

Person on phone: "Romeo?! I've been hearing that a lot of times in the last few years. He is a stalker, kidnapper and social media abuser! We will get his arrested sir! As long as you are able to bring your daughters phone down to the station so we can track his phone."

Thomas: "Thank you so much I will bring it down tomorrow when she's at school!"

Person on phone: "Thank god you caught this in time sir!"

On saturday Juliet when to the coffee shop and sat down on one of the seats. She waited twenty minutes but no one came.

Juliet: "Romeo I'm here!" (14:00)

Juliet: "Romeo are you okay?" (14:15)

Juliet: "I'm getting worried please answer" (14:20)

Juliet heard someone come through the door. She was so shocked when she saw her father come in and sit opposite her.

"Father what are you doing here?" Juliet asked in confusion. "Juliet I know about Romeo. He isn't who you think he is. So now he's in jail! His real name is Javier Estrada. He is a kidnapper, stalker and social media abuser! Thank god I got here on time!" Thomas answered trying to comfort her by holding her hand. "Wha...." Juliet says before bleeding out tears. "I'm sooo sorry Juliet. You should have talked to me about you talking to him! We could have stopped this together!" Thomas said trying to not cry infront of the busy coffee shop for a saturday afternoon, as it would have been terrible if they were bothing crying and people would start asking questions.(If they weren't already!)  "Just Juliet you have to promise me that you didn't give him any pictures! Or anything that is inappropriate! As apparently he's made girls give him all sorts of stuff!" Thomas said in a low tone. "No I didn't." Juliet said through the tears. "Okay good! Now Juliet Let's go home and get some ice cream!" Thomas said. Juliet nodded. When they got up Juliet ran and hugged her dad. "Thanks for everything Dad!" Juliet said trying to smile. "No problem my angel." Thomas paused. "Your mom would be so proud of you!" Juliet looked up at him. "I'm sorry that I never talked about Julie before. Or I'd get angry if you brought her up! But I promise from now on that I will answer any questions or we'll talk about her whenever you want to! Just not when footballs on please!" Thomas said with tears rolling down his cheeks. Juliet took his hand and brought him home.

Now this is the truth. Let's see how the others tell it.

Also just a reminder that this is a made up story but things like this DO happen in our world! Not everyone on the internet is who they say they are! Stay safe! If you need help or have any worries talk to someone you trust.

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