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Once upon a time I was young and fit, I could run miles and miles with my own two feet and crave for adventure but now I can't even move my big toe. I'm old and leathery ,all my muscles and hard earned abs are unfortunately very much useless now. My days are now spent either in my rickety chair half seeing my grandchildren or sleeping away begging for one last adventure.

Once upon a time, I could look my grandson in the eye and say "Little one, don't pick your nose, its wrong and disgusting but now my grandson is the one cautioning me with a face so stern, you would think I killed the Love of his young Life. My memories seem to come and go these days, sometimes I wonder if I ever experienced any....

I don't even know what to put down anymore, maybe it's because I'm a young man trying desperately to understand Life and failing hopelessly...Maybe some day I'll write a passage about myself and my ever present smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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