Dear Editor

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The topic I wanted to write about is one that affects many people. More specifically men. A topic which no one ever talks about.

Silence isn't an approval. She has to say yes before you can touch her. But the thing is, he also, has to say yes before you can touch him. The truth we often forget about is that he can be a victim, too. At any age, in any country, male rapes and abuse do happen. And that is just as important to be talked about as the things that happen to females. Yet still, men get bullied and criticized for being the victim.

And it may be weird for someone like me to talk about this kind of stuff. But the reason this topic hits me so hard is that I've come across a few guys online who have had things happen to them, but who are too scared or ashamed to talk about it. People still seem to think that "a man should be able to defend himself" but how do you defend yourself against someone twice as big as you?

Being a victim is never his or hers fault nor does it make anyone week, even though it seems to me that many people are still refusing to change the way they think about this.

Which means it needs to be talked about, written about, sang about and made art of. And we need to be so big, so noisy, that there's nowhere else to look.

And if we don't do it fast. If those who's brain is still wired in this, nasty, disgusting way don't change the way they think about male abuse. Even more men and young boys start hiding their experiences. Even more, males won't get the help they need. The help that everyone, regardless of one's gender, deserves.

He must count too.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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He MUST count tooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang