Chapter 1- An American Warzone

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Chapter 1- An American Warzone

Subject: Nathan Sheffield

Male, age 23

Training: United States Marine Corps, Special Forces

Rank: Corporal

Current Assignment: Hazardous Environment Combat Unit, Santego Military Base, Arizona

Mission: Classified

Black Mesa Research Facility

Black Mesa, New Mexico

                  Corporal Nathan Sheffield had been trailing Gordon Freeman since he had stepped off the Osprey. He was not about to give up and let his fellow Marines deaths go unpunished. He was going to avenge his comrades, the same comrades that Freeman had killed. Even one of his best friends had fallen before the mad scientist, supposedly the first of his victims.

    Nathan Sheffield was usually a happy-go-lucky guy, but he truly hated Freeman for killing his friends. They were good Marines. Nathan knew what his orders were, to silence the facility, kill everything that wasn't wearing camo and a P.C.V. He also knew he should at least try to see things from Freeman's point of view, that he was just trying to survive. But in Sheffield's eyes, that didn't constitute running around in full bulletproof body armor and killing everything there was to kill. Freeman knew good and well he wouldn't stand a chance without his H.E.V. and he was taking full advantage of it.

    No matter how Sheffield looked at it to see how Freeman was thinking, he just couldn't excuse the fact that he had an advantage and he was using it to kill his friends. He wanted to see things from the scientist's perspective, but he just couldn't. He didn't want to kill anyone and he never had before, but if someone was going to die by his hands today, it would be Freeman.

    Now Sheffield's team was moving through sector one making their way to Black Mesa central command. Apparently they were under heavy attack and needed assistance.

    Three aliens teleported right in front of Sheffield's team and they immediately mowed them down with their MP5's. They moved on and came to a cross section with the hallways. They heard gunfire from what sounded like a pistol. Sheffield put his hand up and signaled them to stop. The four soldiers heard a cry from what sounded like an alien.

    "Sheff!" hissed Berkley, one of the members of the team.

    Sheffield looked over. Berkley was crouched next to the wall with his back against it. He put two fingers to the green lenses of his gas mask and pointed around the corner. Sheffield leaned over a little bit so he could see.

    A security guard took a dive and just avoided the powerful tail of one of the alien lizards. It was futile for the fact that he was attacked by a Headcrab and the lizard smashed him into the wall turning both the alien and the guard into a bloody mess on the wall. Berkley and another member of the team, Nelson, quickly moved around the corner and opened fire. The lizard saw them and tried to spit its acid at them but the two soldiers killed it before it could harm them.

    "Delta two-four, come in."

    "Delta two-four here." said Sheffield into his radio.

    "Change of plans. Get back top side and rendezvous with Delta three-nine and secure sector seven, over."

    "Rodger that, orders received." He clicked the radio off and pushed past his team. "Let's go, it sounds like they are having a tough time."

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