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In a far away land called Bacti hill lived a man by  the name of kong. He was living with his wife Dabuda ,who was pregnant with a Baby girl.
The Beautiful baby was born during the snow storm  ,they named her kayda. When kayda was five years old she was taught how to weave Baskets.   Kayda weaved the baskets so beautiful that people say she has magic fingers.
During the winter kong got sick and died.It was very rough for kayda and Dabuda. Eighteen years later dabuda was suffering from lungs cancer and died. In August 17,1658 kayda was 22 years old she got married to a man by the name of Keith Rugby,
Kayda change her name to Dorry Rugby every !Monday ,Saturday and Sunday Dorry and Keith would always go camping ,fishing and skating they had so much fun together .ON April 21,1750 Keith Died of an heart attack ,Dorry felt sad because she has lost every one she loved.
One year later Dorry moved and Stared living in London. In London she started a new life and started working in a Bakery. Dorry lived in a small apartment ,one afternoon Dorry was at the Bakery
She met a man by the name of Frank Hilton. Frank is  a man who owns over 50 companies. Dorry and Frank fell in love . Frank bought Dorry a 3 story house .Dorry and Frank got married ,Dorry change her name to Karen Hilton.   Karen life was changing ,IT was a happy time for Karen she and her husband had two children .At a young age both of their children got sick and died.Then Frank died too he froze to death while trying to cross the mountains in the winter.
Karen was sad ,after her children and husband died  she moved to port St.Lucie florida    There she worked for a family called kong ,Karen took care of their younger son Abe  she no longer had time to weave her beautiful baskets. After a few years Karen married charley keyser who was also a washo . Since the washo people did not have last names charley took his last name from the owners of the ranch where he worked.Then Karen change her name to Lucia keyser.
Lucia and charley were happy together.
Charley was known for the beautiful flint arrows he made,Lucia started weaving baskets again .This help keep the memory of her washo childhood alive
In 1832 Lucia brought four glass bottles covered with woven willow into a store in port St.Lucie Florida  Abe kong ,the little boy she had once cared for,now own the store. Abe like the bottles,but he told Lucia that people really loved baskets. He asked Lucia could you weave some baskets for me to sell? Lucia said ,''yes !
Lucia baskets sold as fast as Abe could could put them out in his store, Abe wanted more than Lucia had time to make .finally he and Lucia made a deal. Abe would pay all Lucia and charley's living cost .IN return ,lucia would spend all of her time weaving baskets for Abe to Sell.
Soon ,people from across port st.Lucie started hearing of Lucia and her baskets. She was called Queen of the washo Baskets makers. About this to!e she changed her name to iglesia ,she had done this to honour a friend.
Iglesia continued to weave baskets until she was over eighty years old .Before she died on
February 21,1925    she had made over 3000 baskets for Abe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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