Naruto Characters... Are Kittens? 0.o

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Aurora POV .

I walked down the street heading home from work when it started to rain. Hard. No joke, it was sunny one second and then BAM! Its raining like a monsoon.(sp?) I walked faster as I got soaked by the rain and flicked my white hair out of my face. Yes, I have white hair got a problem? I turned the corner onto my driveway, when I heard frightened yowling and whimpering from a grassy area on my lawn. 'idiot it could be a killer on the loose!' a voice in my head screamed. I rolled my eyes as I cautiously approached the grass. 'shut it, kami! Jeez, your all mystical one minute then your all normal the next. Jeez.' I could practically hear him pouting, but he shut up. I looked at the ground to see a huge hole half full of water, and what surprised me was that there were 7 cats, all weird colors, and they were stuck trying to get out. "Oh My Gosh!" I yanked my jacket off and quickly pulled them out until they were all in, then wrapped them up and ran the rest of the way home. 'Oh Kami, pleass let them be ok! Please let them be ok!' 'you shall see my darling .'

A/n ok, so character profile will be up later ok? Koool!¤.•

Third POV

"Naruto !" growled 6 voices. Said Genin shrunk up against the walls of the pit and began trying to climb. The little knucklehead ninja had mispronounced a jutsu and did wrong handsigns as well and turned them into kittens in the bottom of a hole. Sasuke, Kakashi, ibiki, Anko, and Sai all chased after him, trying to escape the rain. Pretty soon all of the ninja began whimpering from the cold, with ibiki as an exception. They grew frantic as the water began rising at a rapid pace, screaming for help. They heard sloshing of water and mud, and Naruto called for someone to help. "Oh My Gosh!" A girl around 15-16 knealed down and stripoed her jacket off, only to pick up Naruto and put him in the warm coat. One by one she rescued them and wrapoed them snuggly into eachother. Sheer that,she ran to her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2012 ⏰

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Naruto Characters... Are Kittens? 0.oWhere stories live. Discover now