The Emotions of Pain or Light.

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Can you see that light?
It feels very warm
Isn't it bright?
Don't make it a storm.

Just relax and stay calm
No need to hurt
You've got it in your palm
Don't make it a Kurt.

You can go ahead and cry
But please don't try
To stay that way for long
Because your are strong

Don't try to stay in a lie
When it's all gonna fry
And become all dry
And you'll be in a tie.

You say the truth
Of what's been in your lips
Don't say it in sips
You should be Ruth
Don't leave it in your youth

It might be hard to be honest
But it just Means you're strongest
If you say what you feel
You'll be able to heal

Of what hurt you the most
But there is no need to boast
Instead help those in need
Because they all feel the bleed

Of what has been done
To there hearts
When the blades are gone
There hearts will be arts

You'll become very bright
Just like the light
Instead of a storm
You'll be warm


Some people have a blade
The blade that is very deep
They can't let it fade.
Once it's out it's very steep

But don't let it stay
How it is now
It shouldn't be this way
It's not a vow

Don't let it hurt you
It's not meant to stick
Don't add any glue
Take your pick

Once the blade is out
If you need help
Just say it in a shout
And you'll neon your route

That blade is gone
It's not a pone
No need to be scared
Just let it be shared

Of how the blade went away
With a very slow sway

The blade is not deep
It's not even steep
The blade has not shaded
Because it has faded.

A choice

You have a choice
They may be sad
But you should rejoice
Cuz' it's not bad

You have left or right
No need to fight
Of what's right or wrong
Still becoming a song

You are you
And I'm me
I'm free
And you flew

From the world
To see
Of what you want to be.

Just come on, wake up
And see your own luck
You're not even stuck
You're filling your own cup

If the choices you make
Is what keeps you awake?
Just let the calm wind
Bring it out from within
Did you think it was a sin?
No, no one always wins

You have a choice
So just rejoice
Weather its good or bad
No need to be sad

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