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Sarah was sitting on the couch in the cabin. She was telling Luke about her book. Outside it was raining. Pete walked into the living room.

"It's gonna be one hell of a storm tonight " Pete told the two

"Storm? I don't like storms." Sarah said

"Neither do I." Luke agreed

"They're too loud."


Carlos walked downstairs.

"What are you three talking about?" He asked

"I was just telling these two there's gonna be one hell of a storm tonight." Pete told the man

"And Sarah and I were talking about how much we don't like storms." Luke added

"Do you like storms, Dad?" Sarah asked

"I don't mind storms." Carlos answered

"Luke and I think they're too loud."

"They are pretty loud. Anyways it's time for bed, sweetie. I'll be up in a second."

"Okay, Dad. Goodnight Luke. Goodnight Pete."

"Goodnight, Sarah." They both replied

Sarah went upstairs to her room.

"I'm going to turn in too." Pete said

"Goodnight, Pete." Luke replied

Pete nodded and left. It was just Luke and Carlos left in the room.

"I'm going to say goodnight to Sarah." Carlos told Luke

Luke nodded and Carlos left.

A few minutes later

Carlos came back downstairs and sat next to Luke.

"Sarah really likes you, Luke." Carlos said randomly

"Really?" Luke asked shocked

"You're her favorite person besides me in the group."

"I didn't think she thought about me that way."

"She does. Why else would she hang around you so much?"

"I thought she just wanted someone to talk to."

"She could talk to anyone here."

"Yeah. But . . ."


Luke was interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. He jump like 10 feet off the couch.

"Holy fuck." Luke swore

Carlos chuckled

"Do you find my fear funny?"

"No. I find it funny that a 24 year old man is scared of thunder storms."

"I'm 26 probably gonna be 27 soon."

"That's even worse."


Even more thunder sounded. Suddenly there was a creak at the top of the stairs. The two men looked and saw Sarah. She started walking downstairs.

"What are you doing up, Sweetie?" Carlos asked

"I can't sleep. The storm is scary." She replied

"Come sit with us." Luke said

He scooched over so there was a spot between him and Carlos. Sarah sat in the spot and moved close to her dad. He put his arm around her.


Sarah and Luke both jumped.

"It's okay, Sarah. You're okay." Carlos comforted rubbing his daughter's back

"You're okay too, Luke." He added

"I know that. I'm not scared."

"That first time there was thunder you jump at least 10 feet off the couch."

"He did? That's funny." Sarah laughed

"You jumped too." Luke reminded her

"I'm a kid. If I'm scared I get comforted. You're a man. If you're scared you get laughed at. That's how it works."

Carlos chuckled at his daughter logic.

"What's so funny?" Luke asked


Lightening struck just outside the window. Sarah cuddled into Carlos' side. Luke screeched in suprise.

"That. That is what's so funny." Carlos answered Luke's question from before

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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