Chapter 1: Darkest Memory!

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It all started when I was 7 years old, my parents and I were having dinner in the dining room, everyone was enjoying themselves, but amid the moment, something changed. There was this strange feeling that I couldn't understand. My whole body was shaking like there was an earthquake, My parents got up from the table as if they sensed danger or something, my mother bent down to kiss me she was done I asked "What's going on? Why do I feel strange?"

My mom responded, "Everything will be alright. Your father and I have some business we need to take care of. Don't worry about it."

I yelled at my mother in fear, saying, "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!" But I knew I felt this way for some reason and my dad had this angry look on his face, I just don't understand any of this. My dad said something in a calm voice, "Listen to your mother. When she says it will be alright then it's going to be alright has your mother ever been wrong?" My response to that was, "No she hasn't been wrong. I kinda feel a little bit better. Thank you father, "My father responded with, "Your welcome son but there is something I need you to do, "I looked at my father with confusion and asked, "What is it?" My father said, " Go to your room and lock the door, do not come out until you see the sunrise do I make myself clear?" My response was, "yes but why if I may ask?" My dad yelled at me, "Just Do What I Tell You To Do." My mother intervene and said, "Honey you are going to scare Lucio again if you keep yelling at him like that." My father takes a deep breath, then replies, "Look I'm sorry but this is very important, but guess what?" My response is, "What?" My father said, "Listen I remember your 8th birthday is coming up so I got you something and so did your mother, if you want to open it, you'll have to wait till morning, also it's in your room. I got excited and ran up the stairs then into my room, I jumped onto the bed and covered up under the sheets, and went to sleep. I heard a loud noise downstairs and it woke me up, I immediately unlock the door and grab the presents my mom and dad got me, then ran down the stairs. I shouted, "Mom dad are you down here?" There was no answer, so I shouted once more saying, "Mom dad are you here?" Still no answer. I started to think that they went to the store after I was finished thinking I started opening my birthday present. There was something strange about the gifts I received because they kinda look like bracelets but one had a full moon on it and the other had a sun, either way, they still looked cool. After I was done putting them on each wrist I heard someone banging on the door, I immediately ran towards the front door thinking it was my parents I opened the door but it wasn't them instead it was two strange-looking men wearing suits and badges. One of them spoke saying, "Good morning kid are you Lucio Shinka by any chance?" I replied, "Yes and who are you guys?" The man replied, "I'm detective Samuel Parker and this is my partner John Brooks, we gonna need you to come with us down to the station, sounds good don't you think?" I replied, "Yeah I'm sorry but I'll have to pass on that offer because I don't know if you guys are real police officers, sure you guys have the badges and all but they look kinda fake if you ask me, so yeah I think we are done here. Detective John look scared but then he took a deep breath to calm down, now he looked serious something didn't feel right I started to close the door as fast as I can but right before the door closed I felt a force on the opposite side of the door it was the detectives they were trying to push the door back open, I couldn't hold it for much longer I let go of the door and I started to run but detective John and his partner kick down the door. I never expected to be chased by two detectives, I don't know what's going on but I do know this, the detectives somehow caught up to me. Detective John grab my shoulder and so did his partner then they started dragging me to their car, I started to scream, "HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" But nobody heard me I tried to shout again "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" One of my neighbors heard me and came out of his house, then he yelled at the two detectives saying, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING TO THIS KID!?" When my neighbor walked up to the two detectives, John and Samuel smirked at each other then John ran towards my neighbor while running he pulled out his gun then stop right in front of my neighbor after that he pointed the gun at his chest and pulled the trigger, the bullet went straight through my neighbor heart. That was the first time I ever saw someone get shot right before my eyes, but the horror didn't end there detective John put the gun away and pulled out a knife instead, he looked at the corpse of my neighbor and started stabbing him. There was blood everywhere even on John, it was so terrifying I closed my eyes but by the time I opened my eyes detective John was standing right in front of me smiling, it was like I was looking at a monster. They handcuffed me and threw me in the back of the car, detective Samuel sat in the back and closed the car door, right when I looked out the window I felt something grabbing me I started to yell, "LET GO OF ME WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING!" Detective Samuel yelled back at me, "Shut Up Little Brat You Scream To Much, But I Got Something To Shut You Up." Just then when I blink, detective Samuel injected me with some kind of chemical in my neck. I started feeling drowsy, I asked Samuel, "Why...why are you doing this?" He just responded with a smirk and didn't respond to the question, then I suddenly collapsed.

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