Chapter one

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~Dans pov~

    "Something has changed within me" I start to sing as I hear the piano hitting the notes. Our pianist is wonderful, I am very lucky he was chosen to accompany all the auditions this year. In the way that he is my absolute best friend and has been practicing with me, as well as how hard he worked for this. His name is Oliver Goodmen, and we have been best friends ever since Year one, when I helped get gum out of her hair so his parents wouldn't get angry.

    "Bring me down" I sing the last few notes of my audition song. I turn my head and smile at Oliver for a split second when I heard slow clapping. I look out into the auditorium and only see Mr. Perkins writing notes on his clipboard. That is until I looked a little further and saw the one, the only Phil Lester. He was standing there, the last row of chairs, his feet propped on the seat in front of him clapping so slow you couldn't miss the spite in it.

    He starts walking down, continuing his clapping. He gets closer, and closer to the stage, and you can see his smirk. The glint in his eyes, showing that he thinks he can mess with my mind. He cant, Im better, and we all know it.

    "Mr. Perkins" He almost shouts as he walks up onto the stage, pushing me out of the way. As soon as Mr. Perkins head shoots up he says "Now that the children are done playing" He says as he turns his head to look directly into my eyes. "Can I start my audition" Mr. Perkins nods his head as he does some hand motions instructing him to go.

    Phil looks at Oliver, silently telling him to go. "Stop, stop telling me what to do" Phil sings out. Of course he is singing Mama, Im a Big Girl Now. We all know Hairspray is Mr. Perkins soft spot.

    "Once upon a time I used to dress up Ken" Phil sings as Oliver messes up the chords a little. Mr. Perkins will think its was just a simple mistake and that he hasn't played the song yet, but I know Oliver better, he hates Phil as well. You see, the whole story on how Oliver and met was completely because of Phil. Phil was the person who stuck the gum in Olivers hair. After I helped Oliver pick gum out of his hair, I confronted Phil, and things got a little physical. We were only five and starting year one, but now were fifteen and starting year ten. It's been a whole decade and nothing has changed. We still hate each other. We still argue. We still fight. It's almost become a routine, leave my dorm, throw insults at Phil, got to class and glare at Phil, leave school, fight with Phil, go back to my dorm.

    I leave my head just as Phil finishes the shittiest rendition of the song I have ever heard. He leaves the stage and barges into my shoulder. "Move fag" He whispers. I turn around and punch to the ground, before quickly leaving.

Welcome to my shit life at an all boys boarding school everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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