Dumpster Dive

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When I was young I loved going free diving, it is the act of holding your breath and just seeing how deep you can dive while holding your breath. I grew up on a small island called Bali, it is located in Indonesia. Bali is known for its crystal clear waters and white sand beaches, well that's what it was known for. Now it's just a giant trash can. The natives in Bali never really cared for the environment or the ocean. You go to a beach now it's just infested with cigarette butts and plastic bottles that no one bothers to throw away in the bin - 2 meters away. It was just sad to be honest.

After I graduated junior high school I moved away, I never saw the ocean, being to preoccupied by things like school and my career so I gave up on free diving. Here i am 6 years later and staring at what used to be my home, now what looks to be a giant landfill. I see the shells of what used to be turtles and the faint odor of someone else's leftover dinner from God knows when, making my insides curl.

Given that the ocean supplies much of our oxygen we're now required to wear oxygen masks, because we killed off the micro organisms that provided that second breath of fresh, clean air. Apparently humans are the smartest species on this planet - were at the top of the food chain. Yet here we are destroying what many called home, being controlled by useless things like money and power.

Diving was my passion, my escape from this hellhole. Under the layer of water is a whole new world thats quiet and serene, peaceful. Free diving was about testing my limits, to see how far I could go.

Now look what I'm left with.

And the part that sucks the most is that we have no one to blame but ourselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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