with a stone on my heart

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With the thing did thee say
Enchanting euphoria lingered in glee,
Me being worlds treasure of thee
Engulfed self in oasis to march.

Shall the glory thunder
In thy self to confide,
That thee adore a jewl
Or should I enterat thee,
to be life ever for.

I did cosset thee dear
Since enchanting treasure you are,
Of all the worlds marvel
You are my lifs crowning glory.

Lately I found a glory
A faded..once embellished entity
thee distanced me apart,
Could be my fault to be
Once a rapport of thee.

Darkened cloud is shadowing smile
me laying  as hopeless lad, dejected
Now I do adhere
Taking my steps back
With a stone on my heart.

Thee left empty void
In the hours so early
No, should I wait,
On the port of call
Or shall take my steps back
With a stone on my heart.
With a stone on my heart..

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