Story 1

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A\N :- It's the first time when I'm writing a story about you guys. If anything offends you, please tell me. I didn't mean to hurt you or your feelings. Please don't get angry if anything is wrong. It's just for fun and I hope the best for you both. Hope you enjoy.

~~~Saloni's POV~~~

We were walking on the same way as always. It was again a starting of a tiring college day. I wish I could sleep forever. But I can't. But I'm glad I'm with Shrey. I really like to be with him. He's so fun to be around. We were talking about random college stuffs when we heard a scary bark. We look straight to find some dogs encircling around a small cat. That cat seemed awfully scared while the dogs kept harassing it. Should we help? I looked at Shrey who seemed ready to fight. He went there like a superman and scared the dogs away. He's really so strong!! I then got close to the cat. He bent down to see if the cat was alright. "Hey little buddy, are you hurt?" That cat seemed to trust us now. It meowed at his question. I noticed that its left paw was bleeding. I put my bag aside and took out the first aid kit from it. I bandaged its paw and then it started cuddling with me. I gently brushed its fur. I really like this cat. But then it moved away and some smoke covered it. Then that cat turned into the old man. I looked at Shrey with surprising face. He returned me the same emotion. What's going on here? That old man coughed which snatched our attention towards him. "Thanks kidos to save me. I'm magician Marlin. I was wondering here in my cat form when those dogs had attacked me but anyways, thank you so much."

"Um...You're welcome." I sweat dropped while Shrey seemed to like his childish behavior.

"So, my girl, I will grant you a wish." Those words were surprising. Grant my wish!!! What should I ask for? Am I really supposed to ask something? "Oh wow" Well, Shrey was so excited. "Go ahead and tell me your wish."

"My wish!! I...I want wings... so that I can fly so high." I looked at that old man with hopeful eyes. He then closed his eyes and chanted some magic spell. With the blink of an eye, we had really soft and fluffy wings. I had milky white wings while Shrey had off grey wings. OMG...My dream was coming true. I was so happy so was Shrey. We were about to take off but old man again coughed. "But you're allowed to have it only for today. It'll disappear itself at night. So make sure you don't waste your time. Bye" And then old man again disappeared in the smoke. But something hit me that time. If we would go and enjoy then what about college? I was confused what to do when Shrey called my name. "Let's go have some fun today." "But college?" "Don't worry, we can bunk for today, right?" He offered me a hand with a wide smile. His eyes were shining with excitement. I thought for a while but his smile was more encouraging. I took his hand and we started flying in the cool breeze. We were enjoying so much. We wandered here and there to enjoy the vast sky. Shrey told me to follow him so I did. We were talking about something when "Watch out." I almost screamed but


Shrey got bumped into a building. I looked at him and his now red face. I couldn't help but smile at his stupidity. He looked at me with annoyed face but I could tell he was also smiling mentally. I again took my first aid bag and bandaged him. He smiled at me and then we continued our journey. He was leading our way. I teased him a little on the way. We then reached at the top of a mountain. We landed and looked around. It was so beautiful. We enjoyed the scenery for a while. "So where should we go now?" I asked him.

"Umm...I know...Let's go to Disney land."

"'s so far away."

"Then Everest?"

"No...too cold."

"Then...let's go to the nearby beach."

It seemed pretty convincing idea. We started flying again. It seemed like a pure dream. I had wings and I was flying with the most precious person. When we were going towards the beach, I saw an amusement park. I took Shrey's hand. "Come on Shrey, let's go there." He made a sad expression. "But beach..." "No..I wanna enjoy here." I started pulling him. "Please...." He was still staring at me because of my stubbornness. "Pretty please..." I pleaded again. "No..." He denied. "Then you go to beach, I'm going here." I said with my hands crossed. He was shocked. "Fine, you win...let's go." Haha...after all those years, I knew how to blackmail him. We both then went to the amusement park and saw a lot of people but not that much. We looked at all those games and I chose some games to play. Shrey busted some balloons and I played that ring throwing game. We then played that famous toy trapping game. "So which teddy bear do you want?" I looked at all those teddy bears and pointed at the pink teddy. He played that game for almost 6 times until he finally won that teddy bear. He then knelt down to me and coughed. "It's for you, princess." Aww...He's sooooo sweet. "Thank you Prince." We laughed at his sudden behavior for a while. Shrey then bought us some ice cream which we ate while resting on a bench.

"Where should we go now?" I asked.

"Let's go to roller coaster." He was again excited as usual. I signed and agreed. I tried my best not to get scared by that certain ride. When we finished our ice cream, we went and grabbed the tickets for roller coaster. We got the front row which was scarier than I though. We got our safety belts which I held so tightly. Shrey must have looked at me and understood. He then put his hand on mine. "Don't worry; I'm here to protect you." His words just put me at ease. I believe him more than me. I smiled at him which he returned. The ride started. It was scary but I felt safe. Not because of safety belt but because he was with me. The ride was finally over and my heart beat got normal. We were finding something else to enjoy when Shrey pointed at something. "Let's go there." I followed its direction just to find a haunted house. Is it really necessary for him to pick such scary things? He pulled me in before I could resist him. I now regret coming here. It was so dark inside and scary screams were heard. I was barely handling myself. Shrey was right in front of me while we were walking through the house. When we were going through skeleton area, Shrey suddenly turn around and "BOOO." I was so scared that I just slapped him. "Don't scare me like that." I yelled at him. I could say he instantly regretted his idea. When we were finally out of that haunted house, I was finally calmed down. "I'm sorry to slap you. I didn't mea-" "Don't worry, it was my fault to be honest." I felt a little bad for him. But to patch things up and for the climax, we went to giant wheel. The nearby city and forest were seen from the top and they were so beautiful. The sunset was making things even more beautiful. "So, did you enjoy?" Shrey asked me.

"Yeah, it was one of the best days of my life." I said while looking at the sunset.

"Mine too...I'm glad that I got to spend my magical day with you." Shrey was being such a cute gentleman here which made me giggle.

"Yeah, you're also magical Shrey." I laughed nervously. A while or so passed in silence. The silence was broke by sudden laugh of Shrey. I looked at him to find what was so funny.

"It felt like we were on date." I also laughed at his statement. "Yeah." And slowly the day was over before we knew it. Our wings also disappeared but we were more than satisfied. It was such a magical day with someone special and I enjoyed it just way too much.

Magical Dayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن