Chapter 1

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Well hello guys and welcome to my profile. My name is Angel and I am a senior at Roff High School. I hope y'all enjoy this story as much as I do writing it. It is my very first story so please don't judge me. Also I am single and I am 17 years old. My birthday is March 20, 2001. This story is all about Sebastian and Oliver Moy. Hopefully you do not judge. I have never written fan fiction before. Well let's get on with the story. First let's introduce the characters:

Angel Renae Larson (main character)

Angel Renae Larson (main character)

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She is very shy

She has blonde hair

She has hazel eyes

She is very funny

She is intelligent

She likes to talk

She is very nice

She is not fake

Loves going on adventures

She is 5ft 5in

Wants to travel the world

Only child

17 years old

March 20, 2001

Oliver Elijah Moy ( love interest) 

Oliver Elijah Moy ( love interest) 

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He is shy

He likes pine-apples

Sensitive guy

4 brothers

Mateo- younger

Sebastian- younger

Alex- older

Nick- older

He is 5ft 9in

He likes pizza

He has a white dog

Will show a girl what they mean to him

Will send you cute texts when you get up or go to sleep

He likes to spend money on a girl

He loves hoodies

He loves cereal

Okay now there are more characters, such as friends that will appear but they are not as important. Let's start from the beginning.

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