Chapter 1: Who are you?

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Joey's POV.

"Ahhh!" I screamed. I sat up and a boy rubbed my back. I looked at him and he looked exactly like me. I looked at him, every pimple and scar was exactly in the same place. I was in from what looked like, in a hospital room.

"Who are you?!" I screamed. He chuckled.

"Joey, it's me, Joey." He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back again, trying to calm me. But I didn't calm, who would want a creepy twin, kissing you.

"Why do you look like me?! Why do you talk like me?! Why do you have the same hair, smile, eyes, and scars?!" I pushed him away and he stood at my bedside.

"Joey, I'm Joey your boyfriend. You usually call me Joseph, because you think loving another Joey is weird." He stroked my cheek and felt a sharp pain. He turned his head and showed me a scar on his cheek. What the freak was going on?

"You got in a car crash and have been in a coma for six months. And every scar and pain you feel, I feel. And every pain or scar I have, you have." He said, stroking my cheek again. Ok now this is getting really weird.

I pushed his hand away. "Well why weren't you in a coma?!" I yelled again at him.

"I wasn't in the car crash, you were. I was at home, when it happened. I felt the pain, but luckily the doctors got me out of the coma before you did. I was in it for three months. But you were in it for six months." He looked at me and smiled. I smiled too, it was like looking into a mirror. How could I love a mirror of myself. I must have been some sick person before the car crash.

"What's your name?" I questioned.

"Joey Graceffa." He answered.

"But I'm Joey Graceffa. Are we twins!? Is this some incest thing?!" I yelled questionably at him.

He chuckled again. "No, I didn't grow up with you. It's very weird and I'll explain later once we get home. Ok?"

I really didn't trust this guy. But I guess I had to trust myself, literally. "Fine, but you have to sleep on the couch and you can't touch me unless I say so. This whole thing is weird."

He put his hands up, surrendering. "Fine, as long you don't leave me. We don't want that happening again."

"Wait? What happened last time?" I questioned.

"If I have time I'll tell you. Ok, honey?"

"Please don't call me honey." I said. He patted my hand and walked out of the room, seconds later a doctor walked in.

"Hi Joey, glad your awake." He looked at his clipboard and began talking again.

"Now, for six months you have been in a coma. You were in car crash with another car. Do you remember anything from that experience?" He said.

"No, I remember my name and my family memories. But not the car crash." I answered. He wrote something down then began talking again.

"You broke your leg but it probably has healed by now. You will need physical therapy everyday, just to make sure you can learn to walk. Sadly, you can't go home yet, were going to keep you here for a couple of days for therapy. Is there anything else you need?" He put the clipboard down and looked at me.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." I said. He walked out of the room and Joey walked in with a wheelchair. God, I really need to call him something else than Joey. It's freakin creepy. I guess I'll call him Joseph.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked.

"Good." I said.

"Doctor asked me to wheel you over to the physical therapy room, so hop in boy!" He put the chair beside the bed and patted the seat. I tried to move but I couldn't. I was telling my brain to move but, I never moved a inch.

"I- I- I- can't." I whined. Never have I felt so worthless in my life. He put his hand on my shoulder, as tears began to fall. But then I noticed something, he was crying too.

"Wait?.. Why are you crying..?" I looked up at him as he wiped away the tears.

"Your in pain, you hate to see yourself so worthless. So if you cry, I feel worthless too. So I cry." He kissed my cheek. And he smiled. And so did I for some reason.

"So when I kiss you and smile. You feel loved like me and you smile as well." He said as he picked me up unexpectedly. He spun me around in a circle, both of us looking at each other.

"Joey I love you." He whispered in my ear then putting me down in the chair. I didn't know how to feel about that. Meeting a new person today then saying, I love you. I didn't reply and he wheeled my down to the room.

Before he wheeled me in, he whispered in my ear again. "I'm sorry Joey."

"It's ok." I replied. He wheeled me in and over to a man.

"Hi! You must be Joey and Joey." He said, laughing a bit at our names. Joseph shook his hand and so did I. The man had light blue eyes and dark red hair, almost cut like mine. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm Shane by the way. Nice to meet you guys." He said. For some reason I felt this rush of love in my body. But the question is was it me feeling it or someone else.





Hey guys! Ah! This is my new book! Eeek! I love the story idea! And I hope you guys like it! I also started writing in a new format. I hope you like it. If you liked this chapter please share and vote for it! Also check out my other books.

- Crazy for You

- Saving Joey


- Secrets may kill you

All can be found by going to my profile. New chapters coming soon to those books! I love you guys! See ya!

~ KyleShoey

(Sorry for small grammar mistakes. I will be fixing soon. Thank you for understanding.)

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