The Will of Prometheus

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The starship Olympus hovered in orbit around the small slave planet called Earth, awaiting the arrival of the SS Zion. Commander Zeus was furious. His plans for his own population of humans was ruined by the chief engineer, Prometheus. What could he possibly be thinking in teaching these creatures to use fire as a TOOL?! And so shortly after he had victory over his predecessor, Kronos, too, taking command of the SS Olympus. The Andromedan Counsel would not be pleased at this development. No third dimensional species had ever developed into a civilization before. Surely this would disrupt the balance of the Tao in this universe. Prometheus would have to be made to pay before this development was found out.

"Sir, why can we not just destroy them? It's just one slave planet." asked Aries, second in command aboard the SS Olympus, and overseer of the ship's military strategy department.

Zeus smirked. "You already know the answer to that you fool. Once a species masters the use of fire, the Tao reguards this as a civilization. As part of a larger collective, our actions in destroying this sprouting civilization would have karmic repurcussions now that would affect our entire empire. Despite how small they are, we are so awake that the Tao would reciprocate our actions of destroying a civilization with the destruction of our own civilization by one means or another. The price is far too high, and you know that."

"What will the SS Zion do when they find out what our situation is?"

"WE MUST NOT LET THEM!" exclaimed Zeus emphatically, slamming his fist down on the arm of his command chair. "This Yahweh has a record of rampant imperialism. He will try to take this whole planet under his thumb. He is excellent at political maneuvering like that. He will try to oust all other starships that have a claim to this planet if he can and declare himself the one true God of the human population."

"So we must find Prometheus and bring him to justice before it is too late."

"Indeed. Our chief security officer Hades is working on that now. When Prometheus escaped, Hades took off after him. That hellhound. You never want someone like that on your trail. He reports a heading near this systems asteroid belt, between the fourth and fifth planets from the star. Rest assured the vessel he escaped in cannot pull him back into the fifth dimension, so he is stranded within this spacetime at least. There will be no escape into hyperspace. So, we focus on the coming negotiations for now. Hopefully we can hide our little human problem from our superiors for a little while, at least until we get it under control."

The SS Zion raced through 6th dimensions of hyperspace as it travelled toward an insignificant star in the galaxy neighboring the capital galaxy of Andromeda. The tesseract statue in front of Yahweh's command chair in this state appeared as a square on a sheet of paper would appear to an observer occupying only four dimensional spacetime. He now travelled to a planet called Earth to claim the slave of his most recent conquest.

"Congratulations again on your most recent conquest." said Lucifer, his second in command. "El Elyon was indeed a force to be reckoned with. A most glorious victory, my Lord, and one for the record books. Your name will go down in history, oh God of War, enabler of the people of Canaan." Lucifer laughed sarcastically at the phrase "enable" being applied to cattle.

"God of war no more, my most favored subject. I will be God most high now that I finally have achieved my own command. I command that you only refer to me by

my new title now. Baal and Ashera must be dealt with after I finish this annoying negotiation with Commander Zeus of the SS Olympus. For the first time in their

short history, my humans will know only one god. I do not require the help of other crew members who want glory and spirit energy for themselves."

Holding back a twinge of jealousy, Lucifer was smart enough to hold back the truth of his own desire for glory in favor of his continued high esteem aboard

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