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Peace has returned to Cross Academy since being rebuilt from the attach of Rido Kuran. The Headmaster Kaien Cross has had rebuild his school from the ground up, lots of things on his mind.

It has been over 1 Year know from the day Rido Kuran attacked the School and tried to take Yuki Cross who know was revealed to be Kaname Kuran younger sister and a Pureblood Vampire who are lovers and destined to be married together. Kaname and Yuki who left with the rest of the gang.

But one silver headed young man had never seemed to move on with what has transpired all still fresh in his mind as if it was only yesterday.

"Beginning Of Memory flashback"

After Rido Kuran was destroyed. Yuki and Zero were saying their final goodbyes. After Yuki drank from Zero's neck and wiped his blood from her lips, he realised that she was the very thing he hated and despised, they were no longer allies but enemies.

He never broke eye contact with her, taking a deep breath while going to pick the Bloody Rose gun from the ground after a few quiet moments he spoke first. This is the last time we will be as allies Yuki but the next time we will be as enemies if we ever meet again I will kill you Yuki,  I will continue run away from you forever and ever Zero she said.

He gave her one last hug the kissed her on the lips he enjoyed it didn't feel right he savoured but it wasn't meant to be but he kissed her anyway and then she left finally accepting their fates as enemies now their was now going back Yuki have Zero one last smile and waved goodbye before leaving for the door.

"End Of Memory flashback".

Count Dracula X Vampire Knight Crossover "Forever Fated"Where stories live. Discover now