Star Wars: Lost

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Alarms blared as the flashing red light accompanied it. It was definite danger; no possible hope for escape. In the cockpit stood a mother and her daughter.

"Are we going to die?" The little girl asked.

"No! Mommy will protect you." The mother vowed. "It's my job to do so after all."

Their adversaries followed closely, firing at their ship. As some of the blasts collided, the ship trembled.

Come in Rebel scum! Surrender now and we may give you a merciful chance and a fair trial.

"Are they going to hurt us?" The girl asked.

"Only if we actually surrendered." The lady smiled. "But we never give up."

You are cornered and have no where left to go.
This is your last chance!

"You know, when I was a little girl like you are, my parents used to tell me about a place beyond our galaxy." The lady smiled. "If there'd be anytime to take me, they would. They always said that. Well, here's the thing, I am going to take you there."

Time's up! We have decided to destroy you.

"Let's hope this work." She prayed.

As soon as the imperial cruiser opened fire, the mother pushed the controls, moving towards a void.

Meanwhile on the Imperial Cruiser
"They have to be insane if they're going through the void. Doesn't matter, if we don't destroy them then the void will." The imperial admiral said. "Even so, all batteries attack heavily."

"Yes, Admiral Nirveah." One of the officers said as their attacks intensify.

"Rebel, you have just sealed your fate." Nirveah broadcasted over the communication link it had with the tiny ship.

Back on the Small Ship
The ship shook as blaster fire from their enemies struck.

"Mommy, I'm scared." The little girl cried.

"I know Juoni, I know." She addressed. "However, mommy will protect you."

More blasts from the enemy struck the ship, damaging their onboard navigation computer.

"Well there goes the Navi-Computer." She said as turbulence from entering the void became present. "We will be alright though. We can't lose hope."

"Why are they chasing us?" Juoni asked.

"Because their people are afraid of what I do. I do what is right in the name of justice." The mother smiled as she journeyed further into the darkness.

Sparks began to fly, fires blazed throughout the ship and the computers started to go haywire.

Suddenly, the entire ship was enveloped by the void; gone.

Imperial Cruiser
"And that's the end of that." Nirveah said. "Foolish rebels. They issued their own demise."

"Is it possible that there's something beyond the void, sir?" One of the officers asked.

"Don't be foolish. What could possibly be on the other side of that darkness?" Nirveah asked. "With those conspiracies, you sound like Admiral Huyigh. Such a stupid thing to think."

"The Admiral has evidence." The Officer defended.

"Do not be naive to the fact that this evidence you speak of could have been forged." He remarked. "And even if there's a place beyond that void, they can't survive for too long and they can't escape because their ship has been damaged."

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