Part One:the sailboats

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Winter was regarded as one of the dreirer seasons for me.Deaths, dilemas and disasters just seemed more abundent in winter but thats not why I particularly dislike winter.Four years ago in November is when I got the frantic call from my father. His voice shaky and unclear.He said he loved me and no matter what happened he made me promise to still love him.Four years ago is when I got the call from the hostpital saying that the had done everything they could.That fucking call ruined me.

All I could see was the heaps of plastic cascading over the morge table and a id tag looped around his big toe.I called my girlfriend Cassidy, almost chocking on heaps of tears.

I walked out in the cold and waited until it embraced me.I had a feeling something was wrong he would not have jumped off the bridge.I Headed for the old ship yard and dangled my feet over the pilings,looking out to the water. When all of a sudden I spotted something tucked into one of the pilings like a kids backpack stuffed into those sad plastic cubbies.The crack was wide enough to fit my hand through without getting my sleeves stuck on to the ascew spinters.I dug around inside until I found something.

It was leather bound with yellowed pages and drawings of my father at the bottom of the river Charles.

     My heart quickend with every malicious note about doing something about my "nucience" father before that was an anecdote about witnessing a turtle tangled in soda rings die.

           Little annotations on the margins about how it would be like if a human was put in the same trap.I put the book back into it's makeshift cubby and walked away never utturing a word.

I'm cooking dinner when on the tv it says "22 year old Mira Wang was found earlier today a variety of soda rings was used to suffocate and disable her limbs an autopsy will be conducted today and the Peter wang cold case will be reopened due to major similarities in both cases".

I deliberately wipe my hands on my apron drop my knife into the sink and slink down to the floor.It didn't hit me until I saw the picture.Almost ghostly of her 17th birthday.Hot tears sprung down from my eyes.I was going to go to the last place I knew she would have gone.The old shipyard.I saw something I wished I could un see.

Cassidy Wates was found dead her home suffocated by plastic bags and gagged and penetrated by store brand water bottles.Police are still conducting an investigation into what happened.the killer being nicknamed the sailboat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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