Chapter 1

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My name is Elissa Jones. This is the story about how I fell in love with Jeff Barsetti. This may sound cliche but it isn't. This story doesn't have a happy ending. Instead,  this story doesn't end. Jeff Barsetti was the son of new Italian family that moved in down the block from Keith street. He was your typical Italian boy. His family owns a pizzeria here in Oakville. Did I say pizzeria? I meant pizzerias. He was wealthy.  He was quite handsome if you ask me.  His grey eyes were rare. None of his siblings had them. They all had brown luscious hair while he was a dirty blond. What an eccentric thing isn't it? I met Jeff when I was walking to school on a December day. He yelled out for me so I would wait for him. He said that since I lived in the neighborhood maybe we can go to school together. I told him no. That was only because I get picked up by my friends. Valerie, Anna, and Bascilio. We all have been best friends since kindergarten.  Anna's parents would let her drive the car to school. I was always the last person to get picked up cause I lived closest to the school. That Friday when they came to pick me up, Jeff had ask for a ride. He said he didn't know how to get to school and need help. of course Anna thought he was hot and said,


With a sigh of relief he said thank you. On our way to school we would usually listen to girl's just wanna have fun and Bascilio

complaining. This time was different. Everyone was awkwardly silent. I broke the silence by telling everyone that Jeff was the new kid on the block. We all asked him what his name was. He told us we can call him Jeff. Till this day I still don't know his real name. He would tell me he didn't like it. I thought it was ridiculous but its his decision. When we finally go out of the car. He said,

" Thank you guys for being generous and bringing me to school."

He handed Anna 20 bucks for gas. she refused to take it by he insisted. When he finally walked away. I couldn't hold it in and I bursted out,

"He is a money thrower! His family are the wealthiest people in the neighborhood. If he thinks he can just hand people money he's..."

Valerie cut me off by saying,

" He seems sweet. Don't assume yet.

I rolled my eyes.

The first bell rang and we headed in to another day with stuck up girls and jock boys. The typical people you would think would be in a high school were here. While walking to our lockers Valerie said she had to tell us something. Coming from Valerie we all knew this would be good. Sadly, she said she would tell us during 3rd period. our lockers were all separated except from Bascilio's and me. Walking to our lockers was a trip. We were up on the third floor.Bascilio said,
"it's a sad thing he has no friends."

"he'll find some. he is quite handsome."
We laughed and headed off to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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