Chapter 1

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"Stay in the circle" Dean instructed as he finished laying out the circle of salt.

Felicia nodded while clutching her scared son to her chest. Dean stopped for a second, dazed by the mother's protective instinct. He hadn't had that protecting figure to look up to and love since he was four when his own mother was burned to crisp on his baby brother Sammy's nursery ceiling by fault of the yellow eyed demon, Azazul.

He always had to be the protecter after that, to his little brother, to himself, and even to his own father after he'd stumble in from a hunt. He even tried his best to protect his brother from the knowledge of what their father did during the days he left them alone in a crummy motel in some random city, but eventually little Sammy got curious and went digging through dad's journal where he kept all the information of every creature or monster he'd ever hunted.

"I'll stay here, you go find the bones." Sam said snapping Dean out of it. "...Dean? You ok?"

Dean shook hit head and played it off casually as he always did. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He said while handing Sam an iron knife.

"I never know with you anymore." Sam said dramatizing his voice up a bit.

"Oh don't go all deep on me, especially in the middle of a job." Dean said.

Sam snorted. "Just go burn the bones already."

"Alright jumbo, I'll be back" Dean said lightly slapping his brother's shoulder and hopping out of the salt circle.

"Jumbo?" Sam said to himself laughing and Dean smirked going out the door to the apartment they were in. He pitied Felicia and her son really, I mean it's hard enough for a single mother to get by alone, Dean could imagine, and now they have to live with knowing how actually scary and evil-filled the world really was, and all they did to be cursed with that knowledge was move into the house of a vengeful spirit.

Dean hastily made his way down the hall and over to the elevator. He pressed the down arrow button and watched as it lit up.

Dean hated telling people about their "life-style" as some hunters call it and he tried his best to stay out of a situation where he absolutely needed to. But if it would help save their lives Dean would tell them without a seconds delay. Sometimes it was just inevitable.

The elevator doors opened and he stepped inside, pushing the 1st floor button. The big metal doors quickly closed and Dean shuffled his falling duffle bag onto his shoulder. The elevator slowly started to move and Dean watched as the numbers representing the floors dropped.

Suddenly the lights started to flicker, which in the Winchester family was never a good thing. Dean instinctively dropped and searched through his duffel bag and pulled out a shotgun filled with rock salt gun shells and carton of salt. He quickly surrounded himself with the mineral and prepared himself for the spirit to pop up at any given point.

Dean stood there gun in hand in silence and the floor numbers kept counting down. He could feel his heart pounding as he shouted "come on bitch, show your fugly face. The suspense is killed me"

The ghost appeared in front of him. She looked just like she did in the picture Sam and him found at the old museum in the city they were in. She was young, probably 12 at the most but a ghost was much more powerful than the average 12 year old.

The ghost stood there staring at Dean then looked down at the thick trail of salt surrounding him.

"Can't blow it away in here huh." Dean said remembering the many times a ghost would casually open a window and watch the salt blow away with a gust of wind and smirk on their face. The young-looking spirit tilted it's head slightly then screamed as it's entire body was engulfed in flames. Dean covered his ears as the ghost flamed away to nothing.

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