The Miracle

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Today was the day when a miracle happened, there was a dog named pop tart ,

She was cute and fluffy dog but she always loved to cross the street in the morning to get the neighbors mail when no one was awake, but the dog was special, she had brown fur and brown eyes. They knew how the dog looked. The family had the dog for a couple of months.

Pop tart was a great dog to them, but one day, pop tart was crossing the road and a car was driving at a high velocity. The driver did not see her so he hit her and the driver thought it was just a speed bump and continued driving away. Later down in the morning the family was awake and they noticed that they did not see pop tart so they checked out side and saw her in the road.

The family was damaged inside. They wanted a next pet , they got a turtle but he was not as fun, they got a hamster but he was too small, they had spend a couple months without a pet. The family saw a lovely puppy, she looked the same as pop tart, and she was put up for adoption.

The family did not even think twice about getting the dog .In a couple minutes the paper work was finished so the Johnson family had all rights over the dog. Since the other dog looked alike they named her pop tart, they noticed something special about her, her new family was of 4 people bobby the father,Mandy the mother, billy the son and Mary the daughter.

Billy and Mary were upstairs with pop tart,

" pop tart is so cute" said Mary

" yea, he looks special to me, don't you think" Said Billy

There were playing with pop tart together when they noticed a shiny red button on his back

"Billy look, what is this!?" Said Mary

" you think we should press it " said billy

" I have no clue" said Mary

Billy pressed the button.......

" Ahhhhh" Mary screamed!!

"LOOK" !

To be continued...

A Dogs DreamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz